Success story as a teacher

In April 2021, I was awarded the Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award by the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago for outstanding teaching during the academic year 2020-2021.  MSCS Teaching Assistant Award criteria include:

• Distinguished contribution in the classroom,

• Demonstration of leadership among fellow teaching assistants and in the classroom,

• Quality of both faculty and student nominations. 

                               Below is a picture of me taken while teaching at an NGO in Delhi. I taught students how to use a computer. We went over the basics of MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint.

University Teaching Experience:

Here is a list of courses that I have taught.

Teaching Assistant at the University of Connecticut

Calculus II Spring 2024

Teaching Assistant at the University of Connecticut

Calculus I Fall 2023

Instructor of Record at the University of Connecticut

Calculus for Business and Economics Spring 2023

Teaching Assistant at the University of Connecticut

Calculus I Fall 2022

Students from calculus II course taught at the University of Illinois at Chicago in Fall 2021.

Teaching Assistant at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Statistics for Life Sciences Spring 2022

Emerging Scholars Program for Calculus Fall 2021

Calculus II Fall 2021

Linear Algebra Summer 2021

Computer Algorithms Summer 2021

Introduction to Computer Science Spring 2021

College Algebra Fall 2020

Teaching Assistant at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi

Introduction to Mathematical Logic Spring 2020

Probability and Statistics Spring 2019

Linear Algebra Fall 2018

Internal Teaching Observations of TAs by Professors

Communication: Swati's explanations were excellent and very clear. They responded well to the students' questions and asked questions of the students that the students answered. Students volunteered answers and all the students appeared actively engaged with the material. Swati did an excellent job of moving around the classroom to give attention to each student and a lot of students participated with responses. The participation was representative of perceived gender and ethnicity. 

Delivery: Swati was very enthusiastic and the pace was perfect. Students had enough time to work on the problems, ask questions, and digest the answers. The rate at which material was presented was also fast enough to cover all the relevant material, but not too much to overwhelm the students. As noted before, the students were all very engaged and attentive. 

General TA duties: Swati has been extraordinary in terms of General TA duties. Their communication is excellent and they have gone out of their way to provide additional resources for both me and the students. They have been highly attentive to detail and anticipated what I or the students might need. Their grading has been prompt and correct and they have maintained office hours. Additional items such as providing worksheet solutions and a scanning guide have been above and beyond what is asked of them. Swati has also been very conscientious about their work, their understanding of the material, and their presentations. 

Overall: I think Swati did an excellent job in the session I attended. I thought their explanations were clear and their answering of questions was great. I think the students felt very comfortable both answering and asking questions and this created a good environment for learning. Additionally, they did an excellent job of highlighting very important differences (such as sample mean vs population mean) and anticipating other areas of student difficulty (such as two-sided tests). The only small change I might suggest is that when referencing the correct formula and verifying with the students that they have all the values for the formula, I would still consider writing out the actual expression with the values plugged in (for example show (8.2-8)/12/sqrt(40) before giving the actual value of the test statistic). Swati has been an excellent TA and made the semester much better for both me and the students.

--- Internal teaching evaluation by Professor Dale Embers (Statistics in Life Sciences, UIC)

Management: The TA managed the presentations excellently, let the students take their time explaining, as well as providing great follow-up questions and comments. 

Communication: The TA communicated very well and was empathetic to the students. 

Delivery: The TA delivered very well, choosing an appropriate pace and getting done with the presentations. Students were engaged and attentive. 

Overall: Swati is an excellent TA and did well in the online environment. Zoom was used by the TA and they did well at using the breakout rooms and whiteboard functionality. Students also felt comfortable using the tools and sharing. 

--- Internal teaching evaluation by Professor Saleh Hamdan (College Algebra, UIC)

Student testimonials

As the instructor of my Math 181 discussion section, Swati Gaba has been excellent. She clearly outlines goals for each class period and regularly checks with students to ensure we understand the material. She teaches in an inclusive manner that contributes to a positive learning environment for all. We are encouraged to ask questions and bring up any concerns we may have in her classroom. She clearly understands the material we are covering and can answer any questions we have for her even if they are not directly related to the daily goal. She encourages us to attend office hours if we need any additional help and she is very sensitive to the needs of her students. When I became ill and unable to attend in-person classes for a brief period she coordinated with me to attend discussion sections remotely so I did not have to miss any instruction. You can tell that she cares about her classroom and the progress her students are making. She is among the best Teaching Assistants that I have been instructed by since I began attending UIC. 

--- Joshua Pakhala (Calculus II, UIC)

--- Anonymous feedback on teaching evaluation (Calculus  for Business and Economics, UConn)

--- Anonymous feedback on teaching evaluation (Calculus I, UConn)

--- Anonymous feedback on teaching evaluation (Statistics in Life Sciences, UIC)

could do to improve her teaching which was so helpful because then she took all those comments and put them into her teaching which

was so nice of her. Overall a really good TA.

students to both review material and test their skills.


which not only improved my confidence but also redirected me to correct answers.

--- Anonymous feedback on teaching evaluation (Calculus II, UIC)

were learning.

--- Anonymous feedback on teaching evaluation (Emerging Scholars Program for Calculus, UIC)

Online Teaching

After working directly with Swati, I can unequivocally say that she has been a phenomenal mentor. Her adaptation and sense of understanding demonstrated that she understood the difficulties associated with learning in an online environment. This is an essential hallmark of an effective communicator and leader. 

--- Jason Mei (Learning Assistant, Linear Algebra, UIC)

Swati was always careful and patient with other students while explaining the solutions. As our class was conducted online, she made sure to cover the topic for individuals who missed out on a certain part of the lecture due to internet conflict. The TA possessed a good knowledge of the Python programming language and was ready to assist students who had doubts related to the concepts which were taught in the class. She also conducted extra office hours to make sure she assisted all.

--- Siddharth Verma (Introduction to Computer Science, UIC)

--- Anonymous feedback on teaching evaluation (Linear Algebra, UIC)

--- Anonymous feedback on teaching evaluation (Introduction to Computer Science, UIC)

--- Anonymous feedback on teaching evaluation (College Algebra, UIC)