Our Team

Team Captains (Leadership)

J. Xavier Prochaska

FRB interests are focused on dissecting the cosmic web.

Regina A. Jorgenson

FRB interests are focused on using them to understand the formation and evolution of galaxies.

Nicolas Tejos

FRB interests are focused on using them as probes of the intergalactic and circumgalactic media.

Wen-fai Fong

FRB interests are focused on uncovering the progenitors through their host galaxy environments.

Starting Lineup (Primary Members)

Sunil Simha

FRB interests are focused on understanding the distribution of matter in the IGM. 

Alexandra Mannings

FRB interests are focused on characterizing FRB hosts and constraining progenitor models.

Charlie Kilpatrick

FRB interests are constraining progenitor channels and emission mechanisms through searches for multi-wavelength counterparts.

Tarraneh Eftekhari

FRB interests are focused on constraining progenitor models using multi-wavelength observations. 

Alexa Gordon

FRB interests are using SED modeling of host galaxies to constrain progenitor models.

Yuxin Dong

FRB interests are focused on optical follow-up and crossmatching catalogued transients and FRBs.

Lucas Bernales

FRB interests are focused on understanding the DM contribution of FRB host galaxies.

Lordrick Kahinga

FRB interests include using FRBs as a tool for probing the galaxies that lie in their sightline, allowing for the study of the distribution of matter and magnetic fields in these distant regions.

Dave Coulter

FRB interests include understanding whether and if there is a connection between neutron star merger remnants, magnetars, and FRBs to understand r-process enrichment and the maximum density of nuclear material. FRB interests also include developing next generation software and infrastructure to enable real-time, multi-messenger astronomy.

August Muller

FRB interests include host galaxy characterization and data processing.

Ilya Khrykin

FRB interests are focused on constraining the partition of cosmic baryon between IGM and CGM, and models of galactic feedback.

Lluis Mas-Ribas

FRB interests are focused on using them to probe the baryons encountered along their line of sight. 

Bryan Gaensler

FRB interests are polarimetry, propagation effects, probing foreground magneto-ionic material, and studying the epoch of helium reionization.

Sarah Opoku

FRB interests are focused on exploring different methods for estimating the redshift of FRBs from their DM contributions.

Secondary Lineup (Former Members)

Kasper E. Heintz

FRB interests are focused on the connection between FRB properties and host galaxy environments.

Consuelo Núñez

FRB interests are focused on putting limits on associated optical transients.

Jay S. Chittidi

FRB interests are focused on optical follow up and analysis of FRB host galaxies.

Georgia Stolle-McAllister

FRB interests are focused on optical followup for spectral analysis of FRB host galaxies.

Andrea Mejia

FRB interests are examining spectral and morphological properties of FRBs and their host galaxy.

Jada Louison

FRB interests are focused on optical follow up using integral field spectroscopy of FRB host galaxies.

Ethan Dominic Domingo

FRB interests include developing analysis software, specifically within the backend of the zdm python codebase.

Celia Mulcahey

FRB interests are focused on analyzing the properties of FRB host galaxies with optical integral field spectroscopy.

Jay Baptista

FRB interests include probing the IGM baryon distribution using z-DM modeling.

Michele Woodland

FRB interests are focused on determining the potential effectiveness of ground-based, adaptive optics follow-up in studying FRB hosts.

Peter McGill

FRB interests include developing software and scalable inference methods to enable real-time follow-up decision making.