Secondary Pre-Service Teachers and AI: Enhancing the  50-Hour Experience 

AI Explained

Students will learn the basics of AI and complete an assignment that assesses their understanding.

Presentation of AI

Students will be presented with information over chatbots and generative AI.  The students assignment will be hands-on and student-centered.  Students will create a new product from their new knowledge.

Summary Statement

This statement describes how the artifacts will be used, why they are needed, and how they will support the students meeting standards.


The Wizarding World of UCM

Watch the introduction video on how to complete your quest!  How do you think AI was involved in the making of the video??

Missouri Teacher Candidate Assessment Rubric

Specific MEES Standards:

(The quests taken in this professional development will enhance your score in each of the standards listed.  Your goal is to score a 3 on each during observations)

Standard 1.2 Conveys accurate content knowledge, relevant examples, and content specific resources to engage students and support learning.

Standard 1.3 Provides students with multiple opportunities to process the content.

Standard 2.3 Integrates understanding of students' languages, family, culture, and community when selecting, creating, and facilitating learning opportunities.

Standard 4.1 Implements strategies in which most students convey their ideas or solutions through product or process.

Standard 6.5 Intentionally integrates and responds to culturally and linguistically appropriate communication, resources, or examples based on audience and context.

Standard 8.4 Uses techniques or strategies introduced in approved PD to improve student learning.

