SW-PBS Tier 2-Foudnations and Systems Phase

Missouri School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports will host a series of six sessions for schools that have completed Tier 1 training and are ready to transition to developing Tier 1 Interventions for the SW-PBS framework. During these sessions, teams receive an overview of Tier 2 purposes, research, and intervention examples. They assess fidelity of Tier 1 implementation and determine their school’s readiness for developing a Tier 2 system. As an initial outcome, the Tier 2 team develops a systematic process for identifying students at-risk of developing problem behaviors, which includes use of data decision rules and a teacher nomination process. Teams establish procedures to determine the function of behavior in order to match student difficulties with appropriate interventions. The use of universal screening instruments is considered.

To learn the Tier 2 process, teams work toward implementation of Check-In, Check-Out (CICO), and/or Social Skills Intervention Groups (SSIG) both of which are research-based interventions. Clear entry and exit criteria are established for the two interventions, and data to be collected for progress monitoring is identified. Teams provide professional development to ensure all school staff understand the interventions and their role in implementing the interventions including promoting generalization of skills across multiple settings. Families receive information about the purpose of the intervention and their role in supporting their child’s participation. By the end of Tier 2 training, teams create data rules for making decisions about individual student progress monitoring data and develop plans to fully implement the intervention the following year.

Outcomes for these sessions include:

  • Review instructional approaches to discipline and Identify key features of a SWPBS Tier 2 system and characteristics of effective intervention with a process of intensifying supports for students.

  • Determine readiness with data assessments (TFI, SAS, SET) for development of Tier 2 criteria, to ensure Tier 1 remains fully in place and analyze for action planning.

  • Develop a Tier 2 team having roles and responsibilities to make decisions about students receiving Tier 2 supports.

  • Develop a process that includes a minimum of two data sources to accurately identify students with internalizing and/or externalizing social, emotional, or behavioral risk factors.

  • Identify and select interventions that fit the needs and context of students and staff.

  • Develop a process for selecting function based interventions that match student need.

  • Develop an efficient and effective process for gathering and reviewing relevant student data.

  • Identify key fidelity and social validity measures to ensure generalization and maintenance of skills across settings.

  • Complete the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI).

Aligns with and supports Missouri Teacher Standards:

Standard #2, Quality Indicator 1; #5, Quality Indicator 1, #7, Quality Indicator 6; #8, Quality Indicator 2.

Leader Standards: #1, Quality Indicator 1; #2, Quality Indicator 1; #4, Quality Indicator 1,2

Audience: A building administrator and at least two additional staff members with expertise and/or interest in specialized behavior support should attend these sessions together.