Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)

Sugai, G., Horner, R.H., & Todd, A.W. (2003). Effective behavior support self-assessment survey (Version 2.0). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, Educational and Community Supports. Retrieved from pbis. org/evaluation/evaluation_tools.aspx

What is the Self-Assessment Survey?

The SAS is an annual assessment used by schools to identify the staff perception of the implementation status and improvement priority for school-wide, classroom, non-classroom and individual student systems. Results of the SAS are effective in identifying the staff priorities for Action Planning.

Think of the SAS as a toothpick test. In baking, cooks insert a toothpick to see if the cake is done. The SAS, likewise, is a measure of how your Tier 1 Framework is developing.

The PBIS Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) is used by school staff for initial and annual assessment of effective behavior support systems in their school. The survey examines the status and need for improvement of four behavior support systems: (a) school-wide discipline systems, (b) non-classroom management systems (e.g., cafeteria, hallway, playground, (c) classroom management systems, and (d) systems for individual students engaging in chronic problem behaviors. Each question in the survey relates to one of the four systems.

Survey results are summarized and used for a variety of purposes including:

    1. annual action planning,

    2. internal decision making,

    3. assessment of change over time,

    4. awareness building of staff, and

    5. team validation.

For state recognition (Bronze, Silver, Gold), at least 80% of a school’s instructional staff must take the survey in order for your school to qualify. Also, your school’s survey must average 70% or better in the Schoolwide, Non-Classroom, and Classroom sections of the SAS.

There is no cost for this survey. See the instructions below for accessing your school’s SAS at PBIS Apps.

Who completes SAS?

MO SW-PBS strongly encourages that all certified and non-certified staff members complete the survey. Other stakeholders, including parents, may also take the survey.

The SAS may be taken individually or as a group. Schools with longer SW-PBS experience often send the link to staff members. Schools that are newer to SW-PBS and the SAS often take this survey in a group allowing for questions about the meaning of some of the items. If you or your team have questions that the Guide cannot answer, please feel free to contact your consultants.

When should the SAS be completed?

Annually in the spring; new teams may also wish to complete during their first fall as a pre-assessment. Consult the annual MO SW-PBS Data Collection Calendar for annual details. Your consultant can also answer any of your questions. Your team should receive a reminder when it is time to complete the survey.

Completing the Self-Assessment Survey

Pre-Implementation of the SAS

Your staff should become familiar with the language and terms used in the SAS. There are a variety of sources that teams can use to help staff become familiar with the SAS. They include:

Directions for Completing the SAS

To log into PBIS Assessments, please follow these instructions:

    1. From your preferred internet browser, log into to access the SAS.

    2. Once at PBIS Apps, click on the PBIS Applications Login located in teh black bar at the top fo the screen.

    3. Enter the email address and password associated with the PBIS Assessment account. Please note the following

      1. If you currently have access to SWIS, your login email address for is the same as your SWIS login.

      2. If you do not have access to SWIS, you were added to your school’s PBIS Apps account and should have received an “Welcome to PBIS Assessment” e-mail indicating you had 48 hours to setup your password. If you were unable to setup your password within that time frame, you can setup your password by: Clicking on the PBIS Application Login and Clicking “Change Password”

      3. Contact your consultant if you have difficulty with the login process.

    4. Login.

    5. Once logged in, click on PBIS Assessments on the left side of the black bar at the top of the page. You will be taken to the Dashboard showing all PBIS surveys.

To access and share the SAS link,

    1. Click the SAS from the Open Survey Windows section. If you do not see the SAS in the Open Survey Windows section, contact your consultant.

    2. Across from your school name click Link.

    3. Highlight the URL and copy it, or click the Copy URL button to copy the link to your clipboard.

    4. Paste the copied link in an email to anyone invited to submit a survey response.

    5. To take the survey yourself either paste the copied URL into any internet browser or click the Take Survey link in the dialog box. Don't to forget click the Submit Survey button at the end of the survey to save your resonses.

Analyzing Your Self-Assessment Survey Results

You will be able to access your SAS data approximately 24 hours after the SAS window closes. If you’d like to view your SAS data prior to the close of the window, please contact your consultant to close your window. To view your SAS data in both table and graph form go to and use your login information. Follow these instructions to view your SAS data graphs:

    1. Login to PBIS Apps as instructed above.

    2. Click the Report menu at the top of the screen.

    3. Select Report Options from the left hand side of the screen.

    4. Select the SAS from the drop down list.

    5. Click Generate.

Report Options Include:

    1. Select Surveys: Select a survey about which to report from the drop-down menu.

    2. Report Type: Select Total Score, Subscale, Items, or Download from the drop-down menu to define which data to display related to the selected survey.

    3. From Date: Select a school year from the drop-down menu as the starting school year from which data will be included in the report.

    4. To Date: Select a school year from the drop-down menu as the last school year from which data will be included in the reports. Note: This school year must be the same as or after the selected From Date.

    5. To see a highlighted listing of responses to SAS items, select the Items Report, click Activate Report Highlights and set the from and to dates to the same year. After clicking Generate, the list of items will be displayed with no highlighting for items with >80% In place, yellow highlighting for those items 50% to 80% in place, and red highlighting for those items <50%.

    6. Click Generate each time you change a report option.