(Universidad Complutense, María Zambrano)

Multilingual studies: comparison based on texts from different registers

Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen is Professor under the María Zambrano scheme, Complutense University. He has degrees in linguistics from Lund University (BA), where he also studied English, Arabic and philosophy, and in linguistics from UCLA (MA, PhD), and has previously held positions at USC/ Information Sciences Institute, Sydney University, Macquarie University, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has held visiting appointments at e.g. the University of Hamburg and the Brain Science Division of the RIKEN Institute in Tokyo. He is Honorary Professor, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, the Australian National University, Canberra, and Guest Professor, University of Science and Technology, Beijing.

Matthiessen has been involved in major text-based research projects informed by systemic functional linguistics since 1980, starting with the Penman project at USC/Information Sciences Institute, which produced a large-scale systemic functional grammar of English (the Nigel grammar). His research has covered a wide range of areas (all informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics, SFL), including analysis of many kinds of discourse, corpus compilation and corpus-based studies, register analysis and context-based text typology, the development of Rhetorical Structure Theory (jointly with Bill Mann and Sandy Thompson), the description of English and other languages spoken around the world, language typology and comparison, translation studies, multisemiotic studies, institutional linguistics, computational linguistics, the evolution of language, and systemic functional theory.

With researchers around the world, he is doing research in various areas informed by SFL, including medical discourse/ health communication, aspects of educational linguistics (e.g. L2 writing development), language description, registerial cartography, multilingual studies (language comparison and typology, translation studies and second/foreign language education), language arts, the language of space, and the development of Systemic Functional Linguistic theory.

Matthiessen has lectured and given courses around the world, including in China, Japan, S. Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Finland and the UK, Lebanon, Canada, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina and Chile, and he is involved in a number of international research networks.

Matthiessen has authored and co-authored over 160 book chapters and journal articles. Among his recent contributions are Systemic Functional Grammar: A First Step into the Theory (with M.A.K. Halliday, 2009), Key terms in systemic functional linguistics (with Kazuhiro Teruya and Marvin Lam, 2010), Deploying functional grammar (with J.R. Martin and Clare Painter, 2010), Halliday’s Introduction to Functional Grammar (with M.A.K. Halliday, 2014), “System” in Systemic Functional Linguistics: a system-based theory of language (in press, with Equinox), The texture of casual conversation (with Diana Slade, forthcoming, with Equinox), A Guide to Systemic Functional Linguistics (with Kazuhiro Teruya, in press with Routledge), Rhetorical System and Structure Theory: The semantic system of rhetorical relations (forthcoming), The Architecture of Language according to Systemic Functional Linguistics (forthcoming), Systemic Functional Insights on Language and Linguistics (with Wang Bo, Ma Yuanyi & Isaac N. Mwinlaaru, 2022, with Springer), and Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part I (2021), Volume 1 of The Collected Works of Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen, in 8 volumes with Equinox, edited by Kazuhiro Teruya and team.

