Environmental scientist, molecular biologist, forestry researcher, immunogeneticist, all well seasoned with a bioinformatics backbone.

My name is Pedro Perdiguero and this is my personal website where I'm sharing my reseach interest as well as the information of different projects and collaborations. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Brief history

I'm Assistant Professor working at the genetic unit of Faculty of Biological Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid, UCM). I have spent most of my scientific career studying molecular mechanisms underlying essential biological process of living organisms, with special emphasis in the molecular response by which they face pathogens or changes in their environments. Since my last years of Degree in environmental sciences I showed high interest in molecular biology and genetics, so I decided to start a research career in this issue. I achieved a predoctoral fellowship within a project focused in the study of the molecular response to water stress in Mediterranean conifers. In January 2013 I got his PhD in Advanced Forest Research defending the doctoral thesis “Genes involved in the molecular response of water stress in Pinus pinaster Ait.” The thesis defence was evaluated as Cum Laude and the "International Doctor" Mention of Doctoral Thesis. Then the doctoral thesis obtained the extraordinary award from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Soon, I achieved a Marie Curie position from Intraeuropean Fellowship for Career development programme (IEF 2013) with the project “PineWS-miRNA-vs-Gene: The role of small RNAs in response of maritime pine to drought stress” (147,210€). This project allowed me to carry out innovative and accomplished research related to small non-coding RNAs. During the development of this project I acquired full skills in bioinformatics completing the Master's degree in “Bioinformatics and computational biology” at the National School of Public Health from Institute of Health Carlos III. The acquired profile as bioinformatician awakened in me high motivation to face new challenges exploring new research fields. Thus, I decided to join to the research team of ERC consolidator project “TEMUBLYM: Teleost mucosal B1-like lymphocytes in the crossing of tolerance and immunity" lead by Carolina Tafalla and developed at the Animal Health Research Center (CISA- INIA). During this period I acquired strong knowledge in immunology mainly adaptive immune system, by adapting high-throughput sequencing technologies to analyze the molecular mechanism that underlie B cell functions in fish including the regulatory mechanisms involved in immunoglobulin formation. 

In summary, during my scientific career I have acquired a multidisciplinary profile with bioinformatics as key axis. I have published 28 papers in high quality international journals, have presented communications in 40 international congress and workshop and have been PI of one research project achieved in a highly competitive call from European commission. In my recent works I used in the recent advances of high innovative technologies for single cell genomics and its applications to study the fascinating world of immunology. These previous results positioned me as an expert in the use of these technologies in fish and other non-model organism which has resulted, among other collabotarions, in the invitation to coedit a research topic from frontiers journal named “b cell heterogeneity in the single cell era” (https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/28721/b-cell-heterogeneity-in-the-single-cell-era). 

Currently, I'm highly motivated to follow this innovative research line as principal investigator (PI) which has been gotten in the last calls of “Project for knowledge generation 2021” and “Project for research consolidation 2022” with the projects “TeLymSeq” and “MaLymChes”, respectively (See info in projects section