

Geometry and Topology for the Future II. Mini-workshop organized, jointly with Ángel González Prieto, to bring together young mathematicians working in Geometry and Topology in the Madrid area. The event took place on April 25-26, 2024, at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.. 

5th PhDay Complutense conference-Mathematical Science. Member of the organizing committee. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. June 24, 2021.

XI Workshop of Young Researchers in Mathematics (2017-2018 academic year). Member of the organizing committee. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. September 11-13, 2017.

Talks given and contributions to conferences

▪ Knot Theory meets Contact Topology.  Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla - Antonio de Castro Brzezicki. (Sevilla). May 28, 2024.

An introduction to Contact Topology.  Mini-workshop Geometry and Topology for the future II. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. (Madrid). April 26, 2024.

Flexibility for tangent curves in higher dimension. Geometry Seminar. IMAG - Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada. (Granada). March 22, 2024.

The car-parking problem and Contact Topology. I IMAG meeting. IMAG - Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada . (Granada). March 21, 2024.

An invitation to Contact Topology and Legendrian curves. Student Seminar on Analysis and Geometry. IMAG - Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada. (Granada). March 6, 2024.

Gromov's h-Principle and distributions. Geometry Seminar. IMAG - Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada. (Granada). February 16, 2024.

Distributions on manifolds and convex integration. Geometry and Topology Seminar. Luxembourg University (Luxembourg). January 26, 2024.

The philosophy of the h-Principle and a promising technique: avoidance. Mathematics Seminar. Rey Juan Carlos University - URJC (Móstoles). October 6, 2023.

h-Principle for maximal growth distributions. Online Differential Geometry Seminar. Yau Mathematical Science Center, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China). October 3, 2023.

An invitation to the h-principle. Geometry and Topology Seminar. University of the Basque Country (Bilbao). July 3, 2023. 

▪ Distributions and integral curves: from PDEs to Geometry. Geometry and Topology Seminar. University of the Basque Country (Bilbao). June 6, 2023.

An overview about bracket-generating distributions. VI Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de la RSME 2023 - 6CJI 2023. University of León (León).  February 7, 2023. 

▪ An invitation to Horizontal Knot Theory. 5th PhDay Complutense conference-Mathematical Science. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid). June 24, 2021.

Flexibility in Contact 3-Manifolds: from Contactomorphisms to Legendrian knots. Friday Fish Seminar Online. Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands). 5 February, 2021. Notes of the talk . Video:

The classification problem for (4,6)-bracket-generating distributions. Seminario de Geometría (ICMAT). Online. (Madrid). 13 January, 2021. Notes of the talk.

Formal Legendrian and Horizontal Embeddings Symplectic Zoominar. (CRMMontreal, Princeton/IAS, Tel Aviv, Paris). Online. 17 July, 2020. Slides of the talk.

Knot Theory and Contact Topology. Online Floris Takens Seminar. University of Groningen (Groningen, The Netherlands). 19 May, 2020.

An introduction to the convex integration method. Red de Doctorandos Matemáticas UCM. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid). 20 June, 2019.

Contact Topology and Knots. Rigidity vs. Flexibility. Seminarios Junior. UAM/ICMAT. (Madrid). 12 June, 2019.

Rigidity for loops of Legendrian knots. Friday Fish Seminar. Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands). 30 May, 2019.

Loops of Legendrians in the 3−sphere. Congreso Bienal de la RSME. Sesión Especial Junior Gesta. (Santander). 4 February, 2019.

Formal Legendrian and Horizontal embedding spaces. Poster in RIEMain in Contact conference. (Cagliari, Italy), 18-22 June, 2018.

Horizontal knot spaces. Red de Doctorandos Matemáticas UCM. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid). 5 June, 2018.

Flexible horizontal knots. 1st BYMAT conference - Bringing Young Mathematicians Together conference. ICMAT (Madrid). 9 May, 2018.

Flexibility for bracket-generating distributions. Geometry for the future meeting. ICMAT (Madrid). 16 April, 2018.

Flexibility for bracket-generating distributions. Friday Fish Seminar. Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands). 1 December, 2017.

Formal Legendrian Knots. XI Workshop of Young Researchers in Mathematics (2017-2018 academic year). Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid). 11-13 September, 2017.

Convex Integration. Poster at X Workshop of Young Researchers in Mathematics (2016-2017 academic year). Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid). 19-23 September, 2016.

Main conferences and graduate schools attended

▪ Homemade Algebraic Geometry: Celebrating Enrique Arrondo's 60th birthday. Alcalá de Henares (Spain). July 10-13, 2023. 

▪ VI Young Researchers Congress of  the RSME 2023 (6CJI 2023). University of León (Spain).  February 6-10, 2023. 

▪ Workshop on the h-principle and beyond. (Online). IAS - Institute for Advanced Study. Princeton (USA). November 1 - 5, 2021.

A topological Theory of Tangent Distributions. (Online event). Lorentz Center, Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands). August 30- September 3, 2021.

▪ 15th International Young Researchers Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics, and Control. (Online event). Utrecht University (The Netherlands). November 30- December 4, 2020.

Winter School “Implicit Function Theorems in Geometry and Dynamics”. Rauischholzhausen Castle (Germany). February 19 - 22, 2020.

Symplectic Geometry, Contact Geometry and Interactions (CAST 2020). University of Antwerpen (Belgium). 6-8 February 2020.

Workshop on Geometric Methods in Symplectic Topology. ICMAT, Campus de Cantoblanco (Madrid, Spain). 16 - 20 December, 2019.

GESTA School, Symplectic Geometry with Algebraic Techniques with applications to Mathematical Physics. ICMAT (Madrid, Spain). 10-13 December 2019

Inquiry-based education in mathematics at university level: Examples for the classroom. UCM, Madrid. 26 November, 2019.

H-Principle (INdAM) Summer Graduate School. Cortona (Italy). 29 July, 2019 - 09August, 2019.

Mini-Workshop on Symplectic Geometry. Utrecht University (The Netherlands). 15 March, 2019

XXIII on Symplectic Geometry, Contact Geometry, and Interactions (CAST 2019). Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany). 7-9 March, 2019.

RIEMain in Contact conference/school. Cagliari (Italy). 18-22 June, 2018. 

Graph Complexes, Configuration Spaces and Manifold Calculus. Vancouver (Canada). 22-25 May 2018.

1st BYMAT conference (Bringing Young Mathematicians Together). Madrid, ICMAT. 7-9 May, 2018.

Geometry for the future meeting. Madrid, ICMAT. 16 April, 2018.

Research methods and models applied to University learning situations. Madrid, UCM. 7, 14, 15 February, 2018.

RET Summer School on distributions and h-Principles. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona. 10-15 July 2017.

BCAM-UPV/EHU Graduate School: Introduction to Geometric Analysis: The Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem. Bilbao. 05-23 June, 2017.

Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics. Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Barcelona. 3-7 July, 2017.

CAST-Workshop on contact and symplectic topology. Nantes (France). 26-28 January, 2017.

X Workshop of Young Researchers in Mathematics (2015-2016 academic year). Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid). 19-23 September, 2016.

Junior GESTA: Symplectic geometry and dynamical systems. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona. 27-28 April, 2016.

4th Workshop on Topological Groups. International Workshop on Topological Groups. Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid). 3-4 December, 2015.

JAE School of Mathematics 2016. ICMAT (Madrid). June and July 2016.

10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications. Madrid. 7-11 July 2014.

VII Edition JAE School of Mathematics 2014 II. ICMAT (Madrid).

VII Edition JAE School of Mathematics 2014. ICMAT (Madrid).