
Since 2014, I have intensified my activity as a Professor. 

"My teaching objective is based on transmitting the contents of the subjects while learning the research methods. The challenge lies in generating interest and passion for knowledge"

With this aim in mind, in the last seven years, I have being teaching in grades and double degrees at the University Carlos III and at the Complutense University of Madrid, both in English and Spanish. 

The transversal axis of my teaching has been directly related to my career as a researcher: demography and emerging population issues, labor market, Welfare State in comparative perspective, research methods, statistics, globalization and society, political and social theory.  I also have large experience of teaching in Master on these subjects as well as in methodology of Master and Doctoral Thesis. 

Currently I teach Inequality, Sociology, and Survey Methodology.

All lecture slides and teaching materials will be made available through this webpage. Emails and Campus Virtual will be used for communicating with students only.