About Us

"It started with the seed of an idea..."

Read about the roots of the student-led UCity Food Garden Network here.

"How might we as students seeking sustainable lives for all, expand our school garden programs to create a district-wide gardening network to provide our students, teachers, friends and families with the knowledge and means to grow their own food?"

The People Behind Growing Together

Growing Together: The UCity Food Garden Network is the work of several University City High School students who strive to empower people as gardeners and environmental stewards. 

When access to our school gardens became limited during the COVID-19 pandemic and our families were hit hard economically, we began to wonder how they could widen our idea of what a school garden is and fight food insecurity at the same time. 

Our Goal

Through Growing Together, we want to bring our gardens into the homes and yards of students, teachers, and perhaps even the community at large. To do so, we are providing training, materials, and ongoing support so that anyone who wants to can grow their own food can. We are connecting our gardeners through this website and social media posts.