Katie Thompson-Peer

Dr. Katherine (Katie) Thompson-Peer earned her bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Pennsylvania, followed by a two-year stint at the Johns Hopkins University with Alex Kolodkin. She earned her PhD from Harvard University working with Josh Kaplan, and was a postdoctoral fellow with Yuh-Nung and Lily Jan at the University of California, San Francisco and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Her postdoctoral work was supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke F32 and K99/R00 fellowships, as well as a the University of California Office of the President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship. She opened her lab at UC Irvine, in the department of Developmental and Cell Biology, in April 2019.  Since then, she’s recruited undergrad, masters, and graduate students to her lab, to research how neurons regenerate after injury.  She co-teaches Bio 93, the first quarter introductory biology course for biology majors, and a graduate seminar on Developmental Genetics.