Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

SABER has a number of special interest groups (SIGs). All who are interested and supportive are invited to attend. All SIGs will be meeting on Saturday at 9am in the indicated rooms.

Biology through Art

ALP 2500

The Biology through Art workshop will present ideas on why and how to incorporate artwork into biology courses. Example lessons will be presented, with quick and simple sketching exercises that instructors can do with little or no art background.


ALP 2200

This will be an informal social opportunity for members of the LGBTQ+ community to meet each other and share their research interests.

PEER Network (Persons Excluded because of Ethnicity or Race)

ALP 1700

The PEER Network is for people of color in biology education research and allies. At this meeting, we will meet each other and share a bit about what we do, such as the Safe Spaces meetings, Journal Club, and Writing Buddies program.


ALP 2500

DBER-SiT is a community of "Scholars-in-Training," namely graduate students, postdocs, and early-career scholars engaging in DBER. Our goal is to foster community and provide peer support for scholars-in-training within the SABER community. In this session, we will discuss resources available to scholars-in-training through the DBER-SiT community and how to get involved with us! Visit https://dbersit.weebly.com/ for more info.