American Government Pol Sci 21A

Sections 7, 9, & 10

Welcome to Pol Sci 21a

Policies and information about discussion sections are subject to change. Written notice (e.g. email) will be given prior to any changes.

Office Hours: SST 665 Wednesday 12pm-1pm

Email: plove (at)

Section Materials

  • I do not post slides. However, I usually post links to multimedia examples (e.g. videos). See page labeled Section Materials on this site.
  • I encourage you to take notes.

Electronics Use During Section (Only):

  • You may use your laptop or tablet during section for class-related activities (e.g. no messaging). I understand the textbook is available as an ebook.
  • Mobile phone use is prohibited.

Attendance and Participation:

  • Discussion section attendance is mandatory (except when notified in writing otherwise).
  • Both your presence and your participation in section will be factored into your grade (10% of your overall grade in the course; see class syllabus).
  • If you are absent from discussion, you will not receive credit for that day.
  • You cannot make up attendance by attending a section with another TA.
  • Since I do not teach except on Wednesdays, I will drop your lowest participation score. Effectively, you can miss one section without consequence to your grade. You will still need to get notes from your classmates.
  • If you know you will not be able to attend section, please email me ahead of time and we can arrange for you to attend another time on Wednesday of the same week. If no time works, then you can count that absence towards your dropped participation score.
  • In the event that more absences occur due to unforeseen circumstances (illness, emergencies, etc.), please contact me as soon as possible to make arrangements for grading. Please provide documentary evidence for your extenuating circumstances.


  • Please note I do not return emails the night before an exam. Please send any questions before 4:00 pm the day prior to the exam.
    • I can answer specific questions about the course material or general logistics questions via email. I am unable to provide comprehensive review material via email. I will be able to provide more in-depth answers during my office hours and in section.
  • Please note each TA will be grading exams for their respective sections. Therefore, I will be responsible for grading your exams.
  • There is no planned curve for the exams.
  • Please use a new blue book for each exam and write in blue or black ink.
  • Ensure that your student ID are on your exams when you return them.
  • There is no study guide planned for release. However, exam review will take place during discussion sections prior to exams. Please come prepared with questions.
  • If you are unfamiliar with writing for political science and/or blue book exams, please take a look at the Exam Tips page on my section's site.
  • Please clearly label all sections and subsections of questions. For example, if there are parts a, b, and c. Label your answers with "a", "b", and "c".
  • When answering questions, please be direct, clear, and concise.
  • Focus on the content. For example, in long-form essays, formatting such as introductions and conclusions are unnecessary.
  • Non-answers and blank answers receive little to no credit.
    • Example of non-answer
      • Question ID: Budget Reconciliation Bill
      • Answer: A bill that reconciles the budget.

Last Edit: 6 June 2018 11:45 AM Pacific