Local information

Centro Recreacional y Cultural "Dr. Enrique Paris" - El Quisco

This is the holiday resort for the staff at Universidad de Chile. It is located in the town of El Quisco, in Chile's central coastline, at walking distance from its main beach.


How to get there

Calle Pino Mar Nº 507, El Quisco

By bus (from Santiago)

There are buses from Santiago to El Quisco. The trip takes 1h45. The buses depart hourly (from 8am to 9pm) from "Terminal De Buses Alameda" (metro station "Universidad de Santiago" line 1). 

See, for instance, www.pullmanbus.cl

The Center is a 25 min. walk away from the El Quisco Bus Terminal.

By car (from Santiago)

Take either the 68 freeway and then head to Algarrobo or the 78 freeway and go north from San Antonio.