MATH-AmSud Project GV-BCEF

The geometry of varieties

Group actions, symmetries, moduli and beyond

 Outline of the project

Geometry has evolved from the axiomatic approach of the ancient mathematicians to the modern study of complex and real spaces. Although this branch of Mathematics is commonly considered as a pure area, it has many applications in cryptography, coding theory, physics, differential equations, chemistry, among other areas. The scientific goal of this project is to understand of the geometry and symmetries of special algebraic varieties, in their many guises.

More concretely, this project intends to create new networks involving senior and young researchers and students, to strengthen collaboration and to create joint research in geometry and related topics by means of research activities and supporting the mobility of students and researchers in Chile, Brazil, Ecuador and France.


Universidade Estadual de Campinas

October, 3-6, 2023

El Quisco

December 4-7, 2023

Université Côte d'Azur

June 17-21, 2024

Research areas

Principal Participating Institutions and Senior Researchers


Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Universidad de Chile


Universidad de Las Américas


Université de Côte d'Azur

* Local coordinator

Other Participating Institutions and Senior Researchers


Universidad Central del Ecuador


Escuela Politécnica Nacional


Universidad Técnica de Yachay


Universidad San Francisco de Quito