Usable Security And Privacy
Spring 2022 CMSC-23210/33210 @ University of Chicago
Regardless of how secure a system is in theory, failing to consider how humans actually use the system leads to disaster in practice. This course will examine how to design for security and privacy from a user-centered perspective by combining insights from computer systems, human-computer interaction (HCI), and public policy. We will introduce core security and privacy technologies, as well as HCI techniques for conducting robust user studies. Topics will include usable authentication, user-centered web security, anonymity software, privacy notices, security warnings, and data-driven privacy tools in domains ranging from social media to the Internet of Things. Students will complete weekly problem sets, as well as conduct novel research in a group capstone project. No prior experience in security, privacy, or HCI is required.
Course Outcomes:
Gain an appreciation for the importance of usable privacy and security
Learn about current research in usable privacy and security
Learn how to conduct robust user studies
Learn how to critique and evaluate usable privacy and security studies
Prof. Marshini Chetty
Crerar 355
<my first name>
Teaching Assistants:
Walker Cook <jwcook>
David Liu <liudavid>
Ana Rath <anarath>
Class Location and Time:
Lectures: Tuesdays, Thursdays, 11-12:20 pm, Ryerson Phys Lab 251
Office Hours:
Thursdays 3-4pm (Crerar 355; sign up in advance by sending a Slack message to Marshini)
Communications and Assignment Submissions:
We will use Slack for all course communications and CANVAS and Gradescope for submissions. Please do not use CANVAS for any communications to the teaching team.
Course Slack:
Course Reading Response Submissions:
Course Problem Set and Group Assignments Submissions: