Grading Policy


All students will be evaluated through regular homework assignments. The final grade will be allocated to the different components as follows:

  • 50%: Homework

    • There are 6 homework assignments in total. Homework problems include both mathematical derivations and proofs as well as more applied problems that involve writing code and working with real or synthetic data sets.

  • 20%: Midterm Exam

  • 30%: Final Exam

Letter grades will be assigned using the following hard cutoffs:

  • A: 93% or higher

  • A-: 90% or higher

  • B+: 87% or higher

  • B: 83% or higher

  • B-: 80% or higher

  • C+: 77% or higher

  • C: 60% or higher

  • D: 50% or higher

  • F: less than 50%

We reserve the right to curve the grades, but only in a fashion that would improve the grade earned by the stated rubric.

  • Late Policy. Late homework will lose 5% of the available points per day late, with a maximal of 5 days of late submission allowed.

  • Pass/Fail Grading. A grade of P is given only for work of C- quality or higher. You should make the request for Pass/Fail grading in writing (private note on Ed Discussion).