Available Data Resources

BFI recognizes the importance of providing researchers with access to the tools needed to perform ground-breaking research while also translating new insights into real-world impact though outreach and engagement. Through our data acquisition grant program, several data sets are now available to interested UChicago faculty and graduate students.

Bloomberg Professional Stations

The Bloomberg Professional stations seamlessly integrate historical information on about five million bonds, equities, commodities, currencies, and funds. Bloomberg’s electronic library comprises data on almost every publicly traded company in the world and biographies of more than 1 million people.

One Bloomberg Professional station is available for use through BFI in Saieh Hall for BFI and BFI Affiliates (Economics, Booth, Harris, and the Law School) faculty and research assistants. If you are interested in making an appointment to use the station, please contact Colleen Reda at bfi-datagrants@uchicago.edu.

Read the Bloomberg Professional user guide.

CoreLogic – Tax and Deed History Data

Access bulk tax, deed, foreclosure, involuntary lien, HOA Building Permits and MLS data: 

Contact Colleen Reda at (bfi-datagrants@uchicago.edu) in BFI to request access to CoreLogic Tax and Deed History Data. Please title subject line of email with data name you are requesting. Colleen will provide the CoreLogic EULA (End User License Agreement) and BFI Terms of Use documents to sign and return, after which she will provide steps for accessing the data on RCC (Research Computing Center).

Please acknowledge the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago and Fama-Miller Center for Research in Finance on all written work for the usage of this data.

CoreLogic – Loan Level Market Analytics

Loan Level Market Analytics (“LLMA”) comprises of loan level data from a consortium of the top servicers. This data set contains 28 million active Prime and Subprime loans and 145 million inactive loans. Home Equity loan level data contains 5.3. million active and 36 million inactive loans. Prime and Subprime history performance history dates back to January 1999; Home Equity performance history dates back to 2002. 

There are 5 base components to LLMA: Origination data, Performance, Event Data, Inferred Modification and Contributed Modification. 

The LLMA loans have been mapped to Public Record Data to pull in additional data regarding the property. This additional data is offered to clients in 3 Modules: Property Analytics, Borrower Credit Indicators 2.0, and Supplemental Loan Analytics.

Contact Colleen Reda at (bfi-datagrants@uchicago.edu) in BFI to request access to CoreLogic LLMA Data. Please title subject line of email with data name you are requesting. Colleen will provide the CoreLogic EULA (End User License Agreement) and BFI Terms of Use documents to sign and return, after which she will provide steps for accessing the data on RCC (Research Computing Center).

 Please acknowledge the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago on all written work for the usage of this data.

Infogroup Data - US Historical Residential Data

Infogroup compiles the residential historic files, by aggregating multiple verified sources. They provide residence data for US households for the years 2006-2017, with national coverage. Variables include: individuals’ first, last names, and middle initials, allowing for linkages with external data, unique family identifiers to link yearly files, address and geocodes, primary home value, residents demographics including indicators for children residing in the households, rental indicators, and 2017 household income and ethnicity.

Qty of Record: 1,711,141,931 historical residential records

Product: US Historical Residential Dataset

Geography: US

Selection Criteria:  2006-2017 Historical Residential File

Permitted Use of Licensed Data:  academic, non-commercial research

Contact Faidat Brimah (bfi-datagrants@uchicago.edu) in BFI to request access to Infogroup - US Historical Residential Data. Please title subject line of email with data name you are requesting. Faidat will provide the EULA (End User License Agreement) and BFI Terms of Use documents to sign and return, after which she will provide steps for accessing the data on RCC (Research Computing Center).

 Please acknowledge the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago on all written work for the usage of this data.


Infutor’s Total Consumer History consists of nearly 400 million consumer records, linked with almost 1 billion current and historical addresses and name changes. Spanning more than 30 years, the file is built from hundreds of verifiable public and proprietary sources.

Use Cases:

Inbound: Identify / Verify / Score data

Optimize CRM/CDP: Create Value Added Solutions and/or Custom Models

Optimize CRM/CDP: Enhanced Intelligence for Analytics and/or Segmentation

Contact Colleen Reda at (bfi-datagrants@uchicago.edu) in BFI to request user access to the Infutor Data. Please title subject line of email with data name you are requesting. Colleen will share the terms of use document for Infutor data for your review and concurrence. Please note, the Infutor data is identifiable data, so an approved IRB protocol is required prior to receiving approval and next steps for access to the data on the Secure Data Enclave (SDE) at RCC.

Please acknowledge the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago on all written work for the usage of this data.

Vietnamese General Statistics Office (GSO) Data

Presently, GSO is an organization directly under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) realizing the function as an adviser for the MPI Minister in state management for statistics; conducting statistical activities and providing social and economic information to organizations and individuals domestically and internationally in accordance with the law.

Through two third of century establishing and developing, the statistics of Vietnam has been asserting its important role in providing statistical information to leaders of the Party and Government, and authorities of all levels to assess, forecast, define strategies and policies, make social and economic development plans, and to organizations and individuals to meet their information needs. Information published and provided by GSO is official and legal statistics, which is trusted and used by administrative levels, line-ministries, organizations and individuals in and out the country.

Statistical Data:

Permitted Use of Licensed Data: academic, non-commercial research

Contact Faidat Brimah (bfi-datagrants@uchicago.edu) in BFI to request access to Vietnamese General Statistics Office (GSO) Data. Please title subject line of email with data name you are requesting. Faidat will provide the EULA (End User License Agreement) and BFI Terms of Use documents to sign and return, after which she will provide steps for accessing the data on RCC (Research Computing Center).

Please acknowledge the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago on all written work for the usage of this data.

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. (CMIE) Data


Consumption Pyramids fills a serious gap in the official Indian statistical system. It delivers fast-frequency data on consumption expenditure of households.


Consumption Pyramids delivers a monthly series of household consumption expenditure and snapshots of weekly expenses on select fast-moving expense items. With a large sample of households this becomes a potent resource to understand the changes in household consumption expenditure and the changes in the structure of these expenses.


This is in sharp contrast to the official surveys on household consumption expenditure, that are too few and far in between. They also have the tendency of being rejected by the government and remaining unavailable to researchers and other users alike. The last survey for which data is available is 2011-12. In contrast, Consumption Pyramids delivers monthly data regularly with a lag of just four months.


Nevertheless, there are important differences between the surveys conducted by the National Sample Survey Organisation and by Consumption Pyramids. The latter fills in a gap but, it is no replacement to the NSSO survey.


The Consumer Pyramids Household Survey focuses on two questions. First, how much do households spend, in rupee terms, on consumption expenditure and second, what is the broad distribution of this spend.


Permitted Use of Licensed Data: academic, non-commercial, limited right to access the Service, only as authorised on the usage agreement


Contact Faidat Brimah at (bfi-datagrants@uchicago.edu) in BFI to request access to Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. (CMIE) Data. Please title subject line of email with data name you are requesting. Faidat will provide the BFI Data Acceptance Form to sign and return, when received she will add you as a user to the CMIE Data Platform available through the BFI subscription.


Please acknowledge the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics at the University of Chicago on all written work for the usage of this data.

Further Resources - Fama-Miller Center

For more resources visit the Fama-Miller Center.