I am a doctoral candidate in the philosophy department of the University of California, Davis, working on topics in metaphysics, the philosophy of physics, and the philosophy of mind. I'm also the founder and primary organizer of the Davis Foundations of Physics Working Group.


I grew up in Lafayette, Louisiana. I received a BS in Neuroscience and Philosophy from Tulane University in 2017, and an MA in Philosophy (also from Tulane) in 2019.

In 2020, I began my doctorate at UC Davis. I advanced to candidacy in the fall of 2023. 

My dissertation (supervised by Alyssa Ney) explores metaphysical and epistemological issues concerning the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, particularly those involving persistence, identity, knowledge, probability, and lawhood. You can learn more about the projects associated with my dissertation research here. I also remain interested in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science, especially with respect to phenomenal consciousness and perception. 

Outside of philosophy, I enjoy writing and performing music, hiking, bouldering, and reading  science fiction.