

O'Rear T, and JR Durand.  2024.  Trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2023 - December 2023.

O'Rear T, PB Moyle, and JR Durand.  2023.  Trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2022 - December 2022

Stompe DK, PB Moyle, KL Oken, JA Hobbs, and JR Durand.  2023. A Spatiotemporal History of Key San Francisco Estuary Pelagic Fish Species. Estuaries and Coasts.

O'Rear T, PB Moyle, and JR Durand.  2022.  Trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2021 - December 2021.

Moyle, PB and DK Stompe.  2022. Chapter 11. Non-native fishes in estuaries, Volume 1. Pages 684-705 In A.K. Whitfield, K. W. Able. S. J. M. Blaber and M. Elliott, editors. Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries: a Global Perspective, Wiley.

Tung A, P Lehman and J Durand. 2022. Can Bacteria Save an Estuary’s Food Web? Front Young Minds, 10: 624953.

Newell CT O’Rear and J Durand. 2022 Untangling the Food Web of Suisun Marsh Using Isotopes. Front. Young Minds. 10:631331. 

Newell C, J Durand, M Meek and P Moyle. 2021. Black Sea Jellyfish: Shocking Newcomers to Suisun Marsh. Front. Young Minds. 9:609315.  

Williamshen BO, TA O’Rear, MK Riley, PB Moyle, JR Durand. 2021. Tidal restoration of a managed wetland in California favors non-native fishes. Restoration Ecology.

O'Rear T, J Montgomery, PB Moyle, and JR Durand.  2021.  Trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2020 - December 2020

Colombano DD, TB Handley, TA O’Rear, JR Durand, PB Moyle. 2021. Complex Tidal Marsh Dynamics Structure Fish Foraging Patterns in the San Francisco Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts.

Aha NM, PB Moyle, NA Fangue, AL Rypel, JR Durand. 2021. Managed Wetlands Can Benefit Juvenile Chinook Salmon in a Tidal Marsh. Estuaries and Coasts.

O'Rear T, PB Moyle, C Newell and JR Durand.  2020.  Trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2019 - December 2019

Beakes MP, C Graham, JL Conrad, JR White, M Koohafkan, JR Durand, T Sommer. 2020. Large-scale flow management action drives estuarine ecological response. North Am J Fish Manage. 

O'Rear T, PB Moyle, and JR Durand.  2020.  Trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2018 - December 2018

Bork KS, PB Moyle, JR Durand, T-C Hung, AL Rypel. 2020. Small populations in jeopardy: a Delta smelt case study. Environmental Law Reporter 50(9): 10714 

Stompe DK, PB Moyle, A Kruger, JR Durand. 2020. Comparing and integrating fish surveys in the San Francisco Estuary: Why diverse long-term monitoring programs are important. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 18(2). 

Durand JR, F Bombardelli, W Fleenor, Y Henneberry, J Herman, C Jeffres, M Leinfelder-Miles, J Lund, RA Lusardi, A Manfree, J Medellin-Azuara, B Milligan, PB Moyle. Drought and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 2012–2016: Environmental review and lessons. 2020. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 18(2). 

Colombano D, A Manfree, TA O’Rear, JR. Durand, P.B. Moyle. 2020. Estuarine-terrestrial habitat gradients enhance nursery function for resident and transient fishes in the San Francisco Estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 637:141-157. 

Gross, E., S. Andrews, B. Bergamaschi, B.D. Downing, R. Holleman, S. Burdick, J.R. Durand. 2019.  The use of stable isotope-based water age to evaluate a hydrodynamic model. Water 11(11): 2207. 10.3390/w11112207 

Aguilar-Medrano R, Durand JR, Cruz-Escalona VH, Moyle PB. 2019. Fish functional groups in the San Francisco Estuary: Understanding new fish assemblages in a highly altered estuarine ecosystem.  Estuary Coast Shelf Sci. 227:106331.

Gross, Andrews, Bergamaschi, Downing, Holleman, Burdick, Durand. 2019. The Use of Stable Isotope-Based Water Age to Evaluate a Hydrodynamic Model. Water. 11(11):2207. doi:10.3390/w11112207. [modeling and Informatics] 

O'Rear T, PB Moyle, and JR Durand.  2019.  Trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2017 - December 2017.

Kimmerer WJ, Gross ES, Slaughter AM, Durand JR. 2018 Jul 27. Spatial Subsidies and Mortality of an Estuarine Copepod Revealed Using a Box Model. Estuaries Coasts.:1–19. doi:10.1007/s12237-018-0436-1. 

Baumsteiger, J., T. A. O’Rear, J. D. Cook, A. D. Manfree, and P. B. Moyle.  2018.  Factors affecting distribution and abundance of jellyfish medusae in a temperate estuary: a multi-decadal study.  Biological Invasions 20:105-119. 

Moyle P, Durand J, Jeffres C. 2018. Making the Delta a Better Place for Native Fishes. Davis, CA. [accessed 2018 May 8].

Lund J, Medellin-Azuara J, Durand J, Stone K. 2018. Lessons from California’s 2012–2016 Drought. J Water Resour Plan Manag. 144(10):04018067. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000984.

Moyle PB, Hobbs JA, Durand JR. 2018. Delta Smelt and Water Politics in California. Fisheries. 43(1):42–50. doi:10.1002/fsh.10014. 

ORear, T12 September 2018.  Delta smelt and salmon habitats beyond the estuary.  10th Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, California.   

O'Rear T, and PB Moyle.  2018Suisun Marsh Fish Study trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2016 - December 2016.

Durand JR. 2017. Evaluating the Aquatic Habitat Potential of Flooded Polders in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. San Franc Estuary Watershed Sci. 15(4). [accessed 2018 Jul 20].

Baumsteiger, J., R. Schroeter, T. O'Rear, J. Cook, and P. Moyle.  2017.  Long-term surveys show invasive overbite clams (Potamocorbula amurensis) are spatially limited in Suisun Marsh, California.  San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 15(2). 

Young MJ, Berridge KA, O’Rear T, Moyle PB, Durand JR. 2017. Habitat partitioning by native and alien fishes and decapods in novel habitats of the upper San Francisco Estuary. Biol Invasions. 19(9):2693–2710.

O'Rear T, and PB Moyle.  2017.  Suisun Marsh Fish Study trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2015 - December 2015.

Durand J, Fleenor W, McElreath R, Santos MJ, Moyle P. 2016. Physical Controls on the Distribution of the Submersed Aquatic Weed Egeria densa in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California and Implications for Habitat Restoration. San Franc Estuary Watershed Sci. 14(1). doi:10.15447/sfews.2016v14iss1art4. [accessed 2016 Apr 14].

Montgomery J, Durand JR, Moyle P. 2016. Zooplankton biomass and chlorophyll-a trends in the North Delta Arc: two consecutive drought years. IEP Newsl. 28(3):14–23. 

Moyle PB, Brown LR, Durand JR, Hobbs JA. 2016. Delta Smelt: Life History and Decline of a Once-Abundant Species in the San Francisco Estuary. San Franc Estuary Watershed Sci. 14(2). [accessed 2018 Apr 17].

Durand J, Moyle PB. 2015. San Francisco Estuary: Time for a Reconciliation Approach to Species Conservation. Hydrolink. 2015(Issue 1-Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta). 

O'Rear T, and PB Moyle.  2015.  Suisun Marsh Fish Study trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2014 - December 2014.

Williamson BO, O’Rear T, DeCarion D, Durand J, Moyle P. 2015. Fishes of the Nurse-Denverton Complex: Managed wetlands and tidal waterways in Suisun Marsh. IEP Newsl. 28(3). 

Schroeter, R. E., T. A. O'Rear, M. J. Young, and P. B. Moyle.  2015.  The aquatic trophic ecology of Suisun Marsh, San Francisco Estuary, California, during autumn in a wet year.  San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 13(3).

O'Rear T, and PB Moyle.  2015.  Suisun Marsh Fish Study trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2013 - December 2013.

Durand JR. 2015. A conceptual model of the aquatic food web of the upper San Francisco Estuary. San Franc Estuary Watershed Sci. 13(3). [accessed 2015 Oct 13].

Hanak E, Lund J, Durand J, Fleenor W, Gray B, Medellin-Azuara J, Mount J, Moyle P, Phillips C, Thompson B “Buzz.” 2013. Stress Relief: Prescriptions for a Healthier Delta Ecosystem. San Francisco, CA. [accessed 2016 May 6].

O'Rear T, and PB Moyle.  2013.  Suisun Marsh Fish Study trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2012 - December 2012.

O'Rear T, and PB Moyle.  2013.  Suisun Marsh Fish Study trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2010 - December 2010.

O'Rear T, and PB Moyle.  2013.  Suisun Marsh Fish Study trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2009 - December 2009

Hanak E, Phillips C, Lund J, Durand J, Mount J, Moyle P. 2013. Scientist and Stakeholder Views on the Delta Ecosystem. San Franc CA Public Policy Inst Calif. [accessed 2016 Jun 9].

Medellín-Azuara J, Durand J, Fleenor W, Hanak E, Lund J, Moyle P, Phillips C. 2013. Costs of Ecosystem Management Actions for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Public Policy Inst Calif. [accessed 2016 Jun 9].

Mount J, Bennett W, Durand J, Fleenor W, Hanak E, Lund J, Moyle P. 2012. Aquatic ecosystem stressors in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. Public Policy Inst Calif.

Liu, J., A. Tatarenkov, T. A. O'Rear, P. B. Moyle, and J. C. Avise.  2012.  Multiple paternity in broods of pregnant tule perch Hysterocarpus traski suggests that mate encounter rate is an important factor affecting female multiple mating.  Journal of Heredity 104: 217-222.

O'Rear T, and PB Moyle.  2012.  Suisun Marsh Fish Study trends in fish and invertebrate populations of Suisun Marsh January 2011 - December 2011.

Moyle P, Bennett W, Durand J, Fleenor W, Gray B, Hanak E, Lund JR, Mount J. 2012. Where the Wild Things Aren’t: Making the Delta a Better Place for Native Species. San Francisco, CA: Public Policy Institute of California. [accessed 2016 May 6].

Durand JR, Lusardi RA, Nover DM, Suddeth RJ, Carmona-Catot G, Connell-Buck CR, Gatzke SE, Katz JV, Mount JF, Moyle PB, et al. 2011. Environmental heterogeneity and community structure of the Kobuk River, Alaska, in response to climate change. Ecosphere. 2(4):1–19. 

O'Rear T, and PB Moyle.  2009Trends in fish populations of Suisun Marsh January 2008 - December 2008

O'Rear T, and PB Moyle.  2008.  Trends in fish populations of Suisun Marsh January 2006 - December 2007.