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Launch of the Transfrom Project by Minister Martin Heydon

Learn more about the TransForm project here:

Bruker Irish Users Meeting

Dr Tom O'Callaghan Presenting work from the group on using NMR for metabolomics of milk, rumen and other biological samples as part of DAFM funded projects MetaBó-Bainnne and PastureNue

23rd November, 2023: Several of our researchers presented some of their research results at the Society of Dairy Technology Conference held in UCC 23-24th of November 2023

MSc student Tom Long gave a poster and flash presentation on his work examining the impact of standardising media on the evaporation dynamics of skimmed milk

MSc student Tom Long gave a poster and flash presentation on his work examining the impact of standardising media on the evaporation dynamics of skimmed milk

PhD student Paula Rojas gave a poster and flash presentation on her results to date from the MetaBoBainne project, characterising the Irish milk metabolome and its affect on important milk functional indicators

Nizo COnference, Papendal 2023

Prof. Seamus O'Mahony of the UCC Food ingredients Group and Dr Tom O'Callaghan

Farm Visit in Colonia, Uruguay with UTEC

Facilitated by Dr Tomas Lopez and Prof. Federico Harte

2nd of October, 2023: Dr Tom O'Callaghan during visit to UTEC, the Technological University of Uruguay, met with researchers, students and local dairy processors and presented research from the group including an overview of the DAFM funded MetaBó-Bainne and PastureNue projects 

27th of September 2023: Dr Tom O'Callaghan gave an invited presentation at Innova 2023 in Montevideo, Uruguay, titled - Dairy products from pasture-based systems: an Irish perspective on benefits and challenges

Prof. David Wishart from the Wishart Lab and The Metabolomics Innovation Center at the University of Alberta, visited UCC and the Food Chemistry and Production Research Group as part of the International Milk Genomics Conference in UCC Sept, 2023, giving a keynote lecture on the "Metabolomics and Milk"

Dr Tom O'Callaghan presenting research from the group at the UCC School of Food & Nutritional Sciences research day, 8th of June, 2023

PhD Students Nisha Suthar and Paula Rojas presenting an outline of their PhD projects at the UCC School of Food & Nutritional Sciences Research Day 8th of June, 2023

Food Chemistry and Production Research group Christmas trip to Mitchelstown. 

Dr Tom O'Callaghan receives the 2022 ADSA Foundation Scholar Award for Dairy Foods, Kansas City, June 2022

Sept 17th, 2023:  Research article added to JDS 100 most cited list

Great news to hear that our invited review article on pasture-based dairy systems and products published in @jdairyscience has made the list of 100 most highly cited papers published in JDS since 2020

Congratulations to lab group members Paula Rojas and Conor Horan who graduated with MSc in Food Science pictured below in UCC 28th of March, 2023

Tom O’Callaghan receives American Dairy Science Association Foundation Scholar Award

June 1st 2022: DAFM funded Metabo-Bainne Project Launched by Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, and Minister of State with special responsibility for research and innovation, Martin Heydon 🎉 -