Academic Promotions

Congratulations to the following academic faculty members who received promotions this year.

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

Dr. Carlos Cervera Alvarez

Division of Infectious Diseases

Dr. Brendan Halloran

Division of Gastroenterology

Peter Hwang, GIM

Dr. Peter Hwang

Division of General Internal Medicine

Dr. Gopinath Sutendra

Division of Cardiology

Dr. Cynthia Wu

Division of Hematology

Dr. Rose Yeung

Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism

Promotion to Professor

Dr. Lawrence Cheung

Division of Pulmonary Medicine

Dr. Joel Dacks

Division of Infectious Diseases

Dr. Vijay Daniels

Division of General Internal Medicine

Jacqueline Herbert, Phyical Medicine Rehab

Dr. Jacqueline Hebert

Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Constantine Karvellas, Gastroenternology

Dr. Constantine Karvellas

Division of Gastroenterology

Dr. Stephanie Keeling

Division of Rheumatology

Dr. Rshmi Khurana

Division of General Internal Medicine

Dr. Aldo Montano-Loza

Division of Gastroenterology

Dr. Robert Pauly

Division of Nephrology

Dr. Winnie Sia

Division of General Internal Medicine

Dr. Stephanie Smith

Division of Infectious Diseases

Dr. Dilini Vethanayagam

Division of Pulmonary Medicine

Elaine Yacyshyn, Rheumatology

Dr. Elaine Yacyshyn

Division of Rheumatology