Helping Hands that Hinder

Jennifer Wang, Jennifer Wilson, Claire Sumner, Leslie Truong, & Tenzin Dorjee

iPad, Google slides

Relational (im)Probabilities

Our digital painting illustrates a pair of reflecting trees, each branching off to give rise to very different types of leaves, symbolizing the duality of the impact physicians can have on their patients. On one side, a compassionate, attentive physician can change the outlook a patient has on their condition, the healthcare system, and give them hope for the future: nurturing a multitude of vibrant, luscious leaves. Conversely, a physician that fails to recognize their patient’s unique illness experience and dismisses the insights that their patients have to offer, will ultimately fail to provide the care required to help their patients grow in their illness journey, fostering a bleak outlook in which they may lose faith in the healthcare system and professionals in it. As such, this is reflected by the wilting of leaves and inability of the tree to grow to its full potential. Ultimately, these leaves converge in the middle to represent the diversity of patients in between that experience a mixture of both these positive and negative outcomes.


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