Hear Me Out

Kieryn Houlder, Jenny He, & Christina Ray

Canvas, markers, ribbon, cut-outs from magazines and pamphlets (12 inches x 16 inches)

Relational (im)Probabilities

We combined some of the overarching themes that we heard of through this experience is the need for patients to advocate for themselves. Some of the frustrations or obstacles that patients faced in this advocation was the belittling their condition, unrealistic expectations about what they were capable of regarding treatment plans, cost of care, and lack of communication between different health professionals. We made our exhibit using cut-outs from different magazines depicting a "patient" expressing the concerns that are unsaid or unheard during appointments. When you look at the canvas you will notice that outside of the “speech bubble” it is only black and white – we did this purposely because often patients and their issues are seen as black and white! Inside the speech bubble the phrases and themes are overlapped and different colors! This is because patients are complex, and their issues do not present one at a time, in isolation of one another. Patients are more than just their condition or disease, and their concerns are far deeper than just medical. Through this experience we have learned the importance of exploring these concerns with our future patients, and looking at medical treatment as just one aspect of the patient's care.


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