I Am Kat: An Exploration of Patient Identity through Children's Literature

Alice Yu, Cynthia Nguyen, Jonathan Lee, Alex Le, & Michelle Wong

Google sheets, iMovie, audio recording, TechSmith Relay


Our project is a children’s story book centered on a patient’s experience with chronic illness. It focuses on Kat who sets out on a journey of self-discovery beyond her chronic illness. In the beginning, Kat carries her red backpack everywhere. Like her chronic illness, it is an ever present aspect of her life, a constant weight on her shoulders. Through this journey, Kat rediscovers other aspects of her life - her passions, her relationships, and her aspirations. Kat comes to realize that the backpack holds much more than just her illness. Even though it might be the first thing that is noticed when she walks into the room, she rests easy knowing that it contains so much more.

Yu,etal-I Am Kat-DigitalPROJECT.mp4
I am Kat Rationale.mp4

This video was taken as an excerpt from the Virtual Event night

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