Kintsugi: Beauty in the Broken

Sid Goutam, Candace Beilman, Cole Boettiger, and Ravina Rimpy


Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery. By collecting and fusing broken pieces of pottery using liquid gold, the artist enhances the look and character of the vessel, increasing its value. This idea is based on the larger Japanese aesthetic principle of Wabi-Sabi - centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.

Our piece, inspired from the same idea, focuses on how each individual’s body is a vessel to navigate through life, which makes their existence possible by holding within it their consciousness, their experiences, their soul. Throughout life’s challenges this vessel may break apart and be put together again, adding to its beauty and character. There is no repair without the break and there is no vessel without the repair. Thus, overcoming our hardships develops our character which is displayed to the world through the beautiful and unique people we become

Kintsugi,Presentation-Goutam, Beilman,etal(2020).pdf

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