
Papers          Commentaries          Theses          Reports Videos



Manipulating optical absorption and polarization using microwave control in an atomic vapour
A. Tretiakov, C. A. Potts, Y. Y. Lu, J. P Davis, L. J. LeBlanc
J. Phys. Photonics 6, 035007 (2024).
[Journal Link][]

Investigation of Floquet engineered non-Abelian geometric phase for holonomic quantum computing
Logan W. Cooke, Arina Tashchilina, Mason Protter, Joseph Lindon, Tian Ooi, Frank Marsiglio, Joseph Maciejko, Lindsay J. LeBlanc
Phys. Rev. Research  6, 013057 (2024).
[Journal Link][]


High-dimensional reinforcement learning for optimization and control of ultracold quantum gases
Nicholas Milson, Arina Tashchilina, Tian Ooi, Anna Czarnecka, Zaheen F. Ahmad, Lindsay J. LeBlanc
Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. 4, 045057 (2023)
[Journal link][]

Microwave-to-optical conversion in a room-temperature 87Rb vapor with frequency-division multiplexing control
Benjamin D. Smith, Bahar Babaei, Andal Narayanan, Lindsay J. LeBlanc
Comm. Phys. 6, 338 (2023)
[Journal link][]

Complete unitary qutrit control in ultracold atoms
Joseph Lindon, Arina Tashchilina, Logan W. Cooke, Lindsay J. LeBlanc
Phys. Rev. Appl. 19, 034089 (2023)
[Journal link][arXiv:2208.00045]


Superradiance-mediated photon storage for broadband quantum memory
Anindya Rastogi, Erhan Saglamyurek, Taras Hrushevskyi, Lindsay J. LeBlanc
Phys. Rev. Lett.  129, 120502 (2022)
[Journal Link][arxiv.2112.09261]

GPU-accelerated solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
B. D. Smith, L. W. Cooke, and L. J. LeBlanc. 
Comp. Phys. Comm. 275, 108314 (2022)
[Journal Link][arxiv.2010:15069]


Topical White Paper: A Case for Quantum Memories in Space
Mustafa Gündoğan, Thomas Jennewein, Faezeh Kimiaee Asadi, Elisa Da Ros, Erhan Sağlamyürek, Daniel Oblak, Daniel Rieländer, Jasminder Sidhu, Samuele Grandi, Luca Mazzarella, Julius Wallnöfer, Patrick Ledingham, Lindsay LeBlanc, Margherita Mazzera, Makan Mohageg, Janik Wolters, Alexander Ling, Mete Atatüre, Hugues de Riedmatten, Daniel Oi, Christoph Simon, Markus Krutzik

Polymer-loaded three dimensional microwave cavities for hybrid quantum systems
M. Ruether, C.A. Potts, J.P. Davis and L.J. LeBlanc.
J. Phys. Commun. 5 121001 (2021)
[Journal link][]

Storing short single-photon-level optical pulses in Bose-Einstein condensates for high-performance quantum memory
E. Saglamyurek, T. Hrushevskyi, A. Rastogi, L. W. Cooke, B. D. Smith, and L. J. LeBlanc.
New J. Phys. 23 043028 (2021).
[Journal link] []


Liquid infiltration of monolithic open-access Fabry–Perot microcavities
J. Maldaner, S. Al-Sumaidae, G. J. Hornig, L. J. LeBlanc, R. G. DeCorby.
Applied Optics 59 7125-7130 (2020)
[Journal Link]

Atomic microwave-to-optical signal transduction via magnetic-field coupling in a resonant microwave cavity
A. Tretiakov, C. A. Potts, T. S. Lee, M. J. Thiessen, J. P. Davis, L. J. LeBlanc.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 164101 (2020). (Featured)
[Journal Link] [arxiv.2001.03150]


Single-photon-level light storage in cold atoms using the Autler-Townes splitting protocol.
E. Saglamyurek, T. Hrushevskyi, L. W. Cooke, A. Rastogi, L. J. LeBlanc. 
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 022004(R) (2019).
[Journal Link] [arxiv:1905.05856]

Discerning quantum memories based on electromagnetically-induced-transparency and Autler-Townes-splitting protocols
Anindya Rastogi, Erhan Saglamyurek, Taras Hrushevskyi, Scott Hubele, Lindsay J. LeBlanc,
Phys. Rev. A  100, 012314 (2019).
[Journal Link][arxiv:1902.02815]

Microwave Rabi resonances beyond the small-signal regime
A. Tretiakov and L. J. LeBlanc,
Phys. Rev. A  99, 043402 (2019).
[Journal Link][arxiv:1902.01971]


Coherent storage and manipulation of broadband photons via dynamically controlled Autler-Townes splitting
Erhan Saglamyurek, Taras Hrushevskyi, Anindya Rastogi, Khabat Heshami, and Lindsay J. LeBlanc.
Nature Photonics, 12, 774–782 (2018).
[Journal Link][arxiv:1710.08902]


Bose-Einstein Condensates in Artificial Gauge Fields
L. J. LeBlanc and I. B. Spielman
Chapter 15 in Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation N. Proukakis, D. Snoke, and P. Littlewood (Eds.), Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, UK). Ch. 15, pp. 299-321 (2017).
[Online book link]


Magnetic-field-mediated coupling and control in hybrid atomic-nanomechanical systems
A. Tretiakov and L.J. LeBlanc,
Phys. Rev. A 94, 043802 (2016).
[Journal Link][arxiv:1605.03126]

Tunable open-access microcavities for on-chip cQED
C.A. Potts, A. Melnyk, H. Ramp, M.H. Bitarafan, D. Vick, L.J. LeBlanc, J.P. Davis, R.G. DeCorby.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 041103 (2016).
[Journal Link][arxiv:1602.03344]



Perspective: Unleashing spontaneity in a time crystal
L. J. LeBlanc, Science 377, pp. 576-577 (2022)
[Journal Link]


Viewpoint: The Quest to Make a Ferromagnet with Cold Atoms
L. J. LeBlanc, Physics 11, 131 (2018).
[Journal Link]


Quantum Physics: Interactions propel a magnetic dance (News and Views)
L. J. LeBlanc. Nature 546, 481-482 (2017).
[Journal Link]


Quantum Physics: Two-atom bunching (News and Views)
L. J. LeBlanc. Nature 520, 36-37 (2015).
[Journal Link]


Atomic Physics: Polar Exploration (News and Views)
L. J. LeBlanc. Nature 505, 627-628 (2014).
[Journal Link]


(2024) Benjamin D. Smith, Nonlinear interactions using neutral atomic gases, PhD Thesis (Mar 2024)

(2024) Nicholas Milson, Reinforcement Learning for Optimization and Control of Ultracold Quantum Gas Production, MSc Thesis (Jan 2024)

(2024) Joseph Lindon, A Qutrit in Ultracold Rubidium-87, MSc Thesis (Jan 2024)

(2024) Logan W. Cooke, Artificial Gauge Fields in Ultracold Atomic Ensembles, PhD Thesis (Jan 2024)

(2021) Brittany Lu, Magnetometry with Microwave-Assisted Optical Pumping in Warm Rb Vapor and Microfabricated Rb Vapor Cells, MSc Thesis (Jul 2021)

(2021) Andrei Tretiakov, Manipulating optical properties of rubidium through microwave interactions, PhD Thesis (May 2021)

(2020) Michelle Sullivan, A Cold Atoms Apparatus for a New Hybrid Quantum System, MSc Thesis (Aug 2020)

(2020) James Maldaner, Towards a monolithic process for open-access Fabry-Perot etalon cavities, MSc Thesis (ECE, cosupervised) (Aug 2020)

(2019) Jacques Thibault, Micro-wire Magnetic Trap Chips for use in Ultracold Atom Experiments, MSc Thesis (Aug 2019).

(2018) Anindya Rastogi, Light-Matter Interactions for Quantum Simulation and Quantum Memory Experiments, MSc Thesis (April 2018).

(2017) Taras Hrushevskyi, Quantum gas apparatus for Bose-Einstein condensation of 87Rb, MSc Thesis (Jan 2017).

(2016) Andrei Tretiakov, Versatile apparatus for ultracold atomic hybrid systems, MSc Thesis (Dec 2016).


Kristen Côté: Optical phase stabilization for Raman-dressed potentials (Phys 499, Winter 2016)

M-X (Ketty) Na: Optical transport of cold atoms (Phys 499, Fall 2015)

Christian Prosko: Evaporative Cooling of 87Rb with Microwave Radiation (Phys 499, Fall 2015


Some of our research presentations have been posted online in past years - check them out here:

Centre for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC) Seminar

University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

15 December 2022

The Physics Hour (online)

Canadian Association of Physics (CAP) Student Advisory Committee (SAC) Seminar

03 August 2022

Illinois Quantum Information Science and Technology Center (online)

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

12 October 2021

Institute of Quantum Computing Colloquium (online) 

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

10 Dec 2020

Bristol Quantum Information Technologies Workshop (online)

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

April 2020