Why Eat Local Meat?

Small lifestyle changes can make a bigger impact that we sometimes think. Here is a list of benefits from eating locally sourced products:

- Lower environmental impacts such as pollution (run-off, carbon emissions) and habitat loss (less land needs to be converted for agricultural use).

- Supporting a local business means helping local families pay their bills and be able to invest back into their local economy.

- Transparency and knowing exactly where your food comes from and what is in it.

- Fresher food and fewer preservatives because your food is closer to home.

- Provides better food security when larger groceries experience shortages.

- Local farms such as TME Farms strive for quality over profit.

- Animals often have a higher quality of life.

- Often less use of pesticides.

Why do WE eat local?

Here are some of our personal reasons for purchasing local products:


Why I try my best to support local businesses is because it helps further develop my sense of community. Being a student many hours away from home can initially be very isolating. Spending more time within the Camrose community and getting to know more about the people and products made around the Camrose area are aspects which just can’t be bought at the commercial level.


I shop at local markets, because I enjoy interacting with different community members and seeing what people have created. Vendors are always friendly and passionate about what they are doing, which makes shopping a more fulfilling experience. Also, the food is so delicious!


I try to buy local products when I can because I like knowing exactly what I'm putting in my body as well as I know how important supporting local businesses and families can be, especially growing up in a small town that gets most of its income from the oil and agriculture industries.


Coming from a farming family myself, any chance I get to support a fellow local farmer, I will. Hence, buying local is always a priority for me. The produce tastes better, is fresher and has a higher nutritional content than conventional store brought products- in my opinion.


Growing up in a farming community, I have had an opportunity to visualize the care that goes into making each and every product. Through purchasing local it allows me to rest assured that the food on my plate is ethically sourced. It also makes me feel good that I am supporting the surrounding community!