

Sarah Lynne Lopaschuk was a selfless and compassionate young woman. Sarah lived to travel. In her short life

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she was privileged enough to explore numerous countries and continents. Her zest for life led her into many different sports and activities. She left a huge impression on everyone who knew her, and so by creating this scholarship they have ensured that her spirit will continue to reach on.

At the age of two she moved with her parents to Edmonton where she grew up with her two younger brothers, David and Timothy. During high school, she undertook the full International Baccalaureate program so that her standing would be recognized by universities world wide. At the age of 18, she set off to start her first year of science at the University of Melbourne, Australia, with the opportunity to try new things like camping in the outback with her friend Kate Barby. Sarah and Kate were in their third year of university, and following this were planning to camp their way around Australia, and then both come to Edmonton. Sarah had decided that she would like to apply to medical school in Canada.

Tragically, Sarah, Kate, and Kate’s brother Daryl were killed in a car accident while out on a day trip during a mid-term break.

The Sarah Lopaschuk Memorial Scholarship Award is presented to a student or resident to aid and encourage their exploration of the world. Travel is such a tremendous opportunity to learn, to experience new cultures, and to work with others. Sarah would appreciate that others will be traveling in her memory and continuing to work at making the world a better place.

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Recipients: Reshma Sirajee and Austin Ericson


Azza Darwish was a well respected and beloved pediatrician in Edmonton for 17 years. She was originally from

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Egypt and received her medical degree in Cairo. She began training in Canada in 1983 and completed her pediatric residency in Edmonton in 1988. From there she moved into general consulting practice in the community.

She was involved in all aspects of general pediatric practice. While carrying on a full office practice, she worked actively at the Glenrose in the neonatal outcome clinic, the preschool assessment clinic and for some time at the school function clinic. She was involved at three hospitals; the University (now Stollery Hospital), the Royal Alex and the Grey Nuns Hospital. She was an excellent teacher and received the Best Teacher award from the pediatric residents in 2000 and 2004.

She was a committed clinician and excellent pediatrician. She took pride in taking on difficult cases and managing them well.

She was fierce in pursuing services for her patients.

Azza was honoured to have an award in her name. She would be pleased to know that this award recognizes a resident who wishes to do innovative work for underserviced children, either in Alberta or globally.

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Recipients: Anastasia Zello and Anna Serebrin


Mario Tedeschini, dedicated over 50 years of his life to caring for the physical and emotional well-being of

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his patients and their families. He was an inspirational role model and mentor who found great joy in sharing his special gifts and personal passion when teaching medical students and residents about the art of medicine for over 40 years. Tedeschini’s clinical skills and caring personality set him apart from other practitioners as a remarkable pediatrician.

Mario Tedeschini was a father, a teacher, a pediatric doctor and a beloved friend to many. His career spanned decades and his efforts touched the lives of many.

The Mario I. and Elizabeth Tedeschini Scholarship is awarded annually to pediatric residents to offset costs involved with training in any northern pediatric setting.

Recipient: Ellery Cunan


The Langen and Klaiber families welcomed twins Quinlan and Clara into their lives on May 1, 2009.

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Eleven days after they were born, Quinlan underwent open-heart surgery as a result of hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Quinlan and his family spent two and half months at the Stollery Children’s Hospital and the Alberta Children’s Hospital, encountering medical practitioners that were both skilled and compassionate. Sadly, shortly after being welcomed home for the first time, Quinlan passed away unexpectedly on July 18, 2009. Quinlan will be forever missed, never forgotten and always loved, and the Langen and Klaiber families are eternally grateful for the brief time they had with him.

In 2011, the Langen and Klaiber families established the “Quinlan Patric Baxter Langen Pediatric Cardiology Trainee Award”. This award celebrates Quinlan, his strength, bravery and perseverance, and was established to inspire trainees in the area of pediatric cardiology, including hypoplastic left heart syndrome, so children like Quinlan and their families may experience life’s joy and its journey together.

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Recipients: Amol Moray, Ravneet Sekhon, and Hilal Al Riyami


Ehor Gauk, a former member of our Department, set up a scholarship awarded annually to a resident in

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Pediatric Neurology or Adult Neurology program a number of years ago.The EW Gauk Award in Pediatric Neurology Research is awarded to a resident whose major field of study is concerned with neurological disorders of children.

Recipients: Amanda Yaworski and Andy Ng


William C. Taylor was a decorated physician renowned for his educational innovation and dedication to learners.

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The William C. Taylor Award for Improvement in Medical Education is awarded annually to a resident in Pediatrics who shows an aptitude and interest in teaching. Third year students completing their Pediatric rotation nominate residents on the basis of excellence, ability, and interest shown in teaching.

It is my great pleasure to announce that the William C. Taylor Award for Improvement in Medical Education is awarded to Chris Novak.


Recipient: Christopher Novak


The Humanism and Excellence in Teaching Award (HETA) recognizes outstanding humanistic teaching

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residents as identified by their students. Third year medical students select up to six residents to receive the Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism and Excellence in Teaching Award, based on their exceptional teaching skills and commitment to the compassionate treatment of patients and families, students and colleagues.

Each award winner is presented with a certificate and a specially designed gold lapel pin from the Gold Foundation.

Traditionally presented at the Student Clinician’s Ceremony (SCC), the HETA award may also be presented as part of the Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) induction proceedings.

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Recipient: Christopher Novak


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Jessica Foulds (The Promotion of Resident Well-Being Award)

Chris Gerdung (Teacher of the Year Award for a Subspecialty Pediatrician)

Karen Forbes (Teacher of the Year Award for a General Pediatrician)


Although Belletrutti may be biased here, the reviewers were not. Congratulations to Kim Connors,

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Rozalyn Chok, and Sandra Botros as the recipient of the Pediatric Grand Rounds Award for the General Pediatric trainees this year. This award is always hotly contested as our trainees really do exceptional work with their presentations. Huge shout out to these three for their presentation "Don't miss the boat: considering a rare diagnosis in a limping child!!”

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Recipients: Sandra Botros, Kimberly Connors, Rozalyn Chok



Heather Armstrong, (Supervisor: Eytan Wine) CIHR Fellowship

Zaid Hussein Almaayah (Supervisor: Jason Dyck), Alberta Innovates Fellowship

Qutuba Karwi (Supervisor: Gary Lopaschuk) Alberta Innovates Fellowship