Welcome to Stories of the Pandemic!

This is a project of Stories of Change, a Signature Area of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Alberta. To see some of our work, click the sidebar at the top left of the page where you'll find tabs for Words, Images and Sounds.

We gather stories of self-isolation, cancellations, quarantine, uncertainty, exams, “down time”, working from home, social distancing, creativity, loneliness, kindness, quiet cities, mental health, parenting, layoffs, testing, taking care of others, grocery shopping, exercise ...

... in all forms, from short essays, diary entries, songs and poems to dances, artwork, and collages.

Stories of the Pandemic.mp4

Introducing "Stories of the Pandemic"

Do you have pandemic stories to share? Get in touch with us at storychg@ualberta.ca or on Twitter @StoriesChangeUA.

The Stories of change leadership team is Drs Julie Rak, Michael Frishkopf, Laura Beard and Amy Kaler. Dr Kaler is the lead for the Stories of the Pandemic project