Folklore archiving during the pandemic

Folklore and tradition archives have been busy documenting everyday life and cultural expressions related to the pandemic, as well as continued working on other archival projects. Projects presented below provide a sample of our work. We encourage you to be curious, learn about these projects, and explore them further. When you click on the image, you will see detailed information about the project and a link to the project website where available. Download a PDF version of the poster here.

Chronicles of COVID-19

Finland is closing down! How does Corona effect you?

Crisis and Creativity in Times of Corona (exhibition in the Dutch Folktale Database)

VIRUS - stories from a strange year

Lockdown Lore Collection Project

Diaries in the Time of Pandemic 2020-2021

People in the online public sphere

Collecting the Curve

Catching Stories: Oral History for Health

The Israeli COVID memes

What does it look like? Social distancing in celebration and everyday life

Keeping healthy during the corona crisis

ISEBEL: Intelligent Search Engine for Belief Legends

Digital Catalogue of Latvian Charms

Yemeni Tradition at The Hebrew University's Folklore Research Center