Dr. Shirou Wang

School of Mathematics, Jilin University , China

Email: shirou@ualberta.ca (preferred), shirou@jlu.edu.cn

Hello! I am Professor in the School of Mathematics at Jilin University. Before coming to JLU, I was PIMS-CANSSI Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences of University of Alberta, and postdoctoral fellow at the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. I received my Ph. D from Peking University in 2016.

Research Interests

Random & Stochastic Dynamical Systems, Smooth Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory, Stochastic Computing, Biological & Mechanical Applications

Publications and Preprints


  • Jilin University:

2022 Winter: Instructor for Probabiltiy and Statistics

Instructor for Ergodic Theory (graduate)

  • University of Alberta:

2021 Summer: Instructor for MATH 201-Differential Equations

2019 Spring & 2018 Spring: Instructor for MATH 115-Calculus II

  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences:

2016 Winter: Recitation Instructor for Mathematical Analysis

  • Peking University :

2013-2016: Teaching Assistant for Ordinary Differential Equations, Mathematical Analysis, Real Analysis, Ergodic Theory

More about me

This is my interview with PIMS about my research.

I have been a co-organizer for Mini-symposium on The interplay between dynamics and data science on SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems

I am a lover for classic music and ballet. This is my favourite dancer Yuanyuan Tan (she's amazing!).