Let's write better together: 

Visit the SEC instructor! They can help you

Want help with your writing? Share a sample of your writing with me anytime during the term, as many times as you like. You can bring me a piece of paper or share a Google doc with me (zuzana@ualberta.ca). I will give you feedback and tips to improve your writing.

Not sure what to write about? I will post a question every week to give you some direction. If you would rather write about something else, go for it! Writing about ANYTHING is helpful.

Don't understand your instructor's comments? I'm happy to help you review your class assignments after you receive feedback. Your mark won't change but I can help you understand how you can do better next time.

Need a more structured approach? Come to SEC workshops on Wednesdays (Read & Write). There will be a variety of topics and activities to help you develop your writing skills.