
Data tables

  • Data set consists of 15 cores. All in four depths (0-60 cm). Three different management practices are observed in these cores. The managements are Irrigated Croplands CROP (a type of Conventional Agriculture), Rotationally Grazed RG (a kind of Transitional Agriculture), and Adaptive Multi-paddock AMP (a type of Regenerative Agriculture). Soil property data for all depths of all cores are also available.

  • Predictor variables are measured except for the observed management practices. The predictor variables used in this project are all continuous scales except for management, which is categorical.

Predictor variables:

  • management

  • soil layers

  • soil bulk density

  • soil texture

  • soil pH

Response variables:

  • total organic carbon

  • total nitrogen in the soil

Table 1: Raw data before data management

Table 2: Raw data before data management

Table 3: Raw data with NA data. All the NA data were deleted after data management

  • Problems in the dataset:

          • Raw data were changed to managed data in R with merge and appealing commands (Figures 8 and 9).

          • The missed data were omitted from the data spreadsheet in R (Figure 10).

          • Variables with no normal distribution were transformed and changed to normal (Figure 11)

Figure 7: Histogram plots. The distributions are transformed to normal in R. Total organic carbon (TOC), Total Nitrogen (TN), Silt Clay ratio (Si:Cl), Carbon Nitrogen ratio (C:N), Bulk Density (BD)

  • Descriptive statistics, including mean, median, and standard error of the dataset, are also calculated in R (Table 4).

Table 4: Statistical data (mean, median, standard error)