
Poultry Research Centre Student Club

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About us

The purpose of The Poultry Research Centre Student Club (PRCSC) is to promote an environment for the interaction between students, faculty and staff and with other relevant parties in the field of poultry science. 

The PRCSC engages in activities relating to social, academic, and professional interests with a focus on poultry science. 

General membership is open to any current University of Alberta student in good standing. We NEVER charge membership dues, so being part of the PRCSC is completely free! If you're on the fence about joining us, just know we always have a "cluckin' good time!"

The Adopt a Heritage Chicken Program was started in 2013 and is housed in the Poultry Research Centre. By supporting this program, you can receive organic eggs from the Heritage Chicken Program's flocks: Plymouth Rock, Light Sussex, White Leghorn, Brown Leghorn and New Hampshire. You also help promote the conservation of these unique genetic lines.


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