Welcome to join my group at University of Alberta!

All are welcomed to contact:

Prof. Lawrence H. Le

Office: 4-113, RTF, 8308 - 114 Street, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2V2

Phone: +1 (780) 407-1153 | Fax: +1 (780) 407-7280

Email: lawrence.le{at}ualberta.ca

My research focus is to develop ultrasound diagnostic and imaging technologies. The research is truly interdisciplinary and involves disciplines across sciences, engineering, medicine, and dentistry to solve clinical problems relevant to the improvement of patient care. Mentorship is the first priority of my research group. This is evidenced from my trainees' publications where the trainees are first authors and the co-authors are professors from different disciplines. The trainees benefit the learning from the best minds and guidance by different experts. The training requires them to learn from the stage of data acquisition, signal/image processing, data analysis, data interpretation, to final drafting of the manuscript.

If you think you can take that challenge, possess very good organization skills, have a good attitude to learn, and are able to work independently while appreciating team work, please contact me with your CV and transcripts.

Ph.D. and M.Sc. Openings

Motivated prospective Ph.D./M.Sc. students are encouraged to join our lab to work on interdisciplinary projects. Prospective students with the background in physics, electrical, computer, mechanical and other related engineering and science majors are welcomed to contact me with CV and transcript.

Visiting and Exchange Opportunities

Research scholars are always welcomed to collaborate and build research strength and connections with our group.

Internship Opportunities

Current undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to send me their CVs and transcripts.

Postdoc opening

Currently, there is no opening.