Jude Kong

Awards: Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral, Josephine Mitchell Scholarship, GS4 Josephine Mitchell Graduate Student Scholarship, PIMS Graduate Student Training Acceleration Award, Graduate Student Teaching Award, NSERC postdoctoral research fellow, Doctoral Dissertation Award, York University Faculty of Science Early Career Researcher Award, President's Emerging Research Leadership Award at York University

Website: http://www.judekong.ca/

Email: jdkong@ualberta.ca

Current position: was a postdoc under the supervision of Professor Simon Levin at Princeton University and DIMACS,  a tenure-track Assistant Professor at York University in Canada, and is now a tenure-track Assistant Professor at University of Toronto.

Recent accomplishment: The leading PI for $1.25 M grant “Predictive modeling and forecasting of the transmission of COVID-19 in Africa using Artificial Intelligence” awarded by IDRC;

The leading PI for $7.25 million grant “Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications to support Epidemic and Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response” awarded by IDRC.

Interview in Nature

Current email: jude.kong@utoronto.ca