Specialty Profile

(Sources:  RCPSC, Pathway Evaluation Program, Canadian Geriatric Society)

Specialty Profile

Geriatric Medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, remedial and social aspects of illness in older adults, mainly patients 75 years or older.

Specialists in geriatric medicine are expected to be competent consultants with a well-founded knowledge of general internal geriatric medicine who are capable of establishing an effective professional relationship with older adults. Geriatricians work with other members of the health care team to prevent illness and restore an ill, disabled older adult to a level of optimal ability and, wherever possible, to return to an independent life at home.

In training to be a geriatrician, residents develop an increased knowledge of the common medical conditions and geriatric syndromes affecting older adults, learn to work well with an interdisciplinary team in a variety of settings and further develop their skills in communicating with older adults. They also learn to incorporate gender, cultural and ethnic perspectives in both clinical practice and research methodology.

Practice Setting

Most geriatricians work in more than one setting, including:



Practice Profile

In their main patient care setting, geriatricians share patient care with many other types of health care providers, including: 

In addition to working with a diverse team of health care professionals and enjoying a wide variety of job opportunities, as a physician group, geriatricians are amongst the most highly satisfied with their careers.