Field Experience
Field Experience Course Descriptions
Orientation Field Experience: Orientation to School Culture & Contexts (EDFX 200)
EDFX 200 is an open-option early field experience that is offered to education students in the second year of their program in either the Fall (September-December) or Winter (January-April) term. In order to qualify, students must have completed EDU 100/300, but cannot have completed EDFX 325 or 350.
EDFX 200 is a course that includes 12 one hour on-campus seminars and 10 half day school visits. The main purpose of the course is to introduce students to the school setting with a focus on the multiple roles and responsibilities of teachers.
Students are placed in schools in which the school coordinator has the flexibility to determine how the placements will be organized i.e., students may be placed in one classroom for the 10 weeks or in multiple classrooms. Students must allow for one half day of availability each week for the school visits and will develop the visitation schedule collaboratively with the school coordinator.
The emphasis of the school visits will be on active observation. While at the school, students may assist teachers with tasks such as: daily routines, working with small groups of students, preparing/marking instructional materials, preparing displays, and assisting with learning centres. Students are not expected to plan or teach lessons.
Elementary (EDFX 325) Introductory Field Experience (IFX)
This is typically pre-service teachers’ first experience with teaching.
Pre-service teachers are placed in the winter term for 25 days from mid-March to early May.
Pre-service teachers in IFX complete an 8-week preparatory class which covers topics including professionalism, classroom management, and the expectations required to be successful in their field experience. They have also completed curriculum and instruction classes to support their theory and pedagogy. This is typically the pre-service teachers’ first experience with teaching. As such, they will require scaffolding and multiple means of feedback and support.
Pre-service teachers will work up to teaching a minimum 0.5 of teachers’ FTE which equates to 750-800 minutes per week.
Two pre-service teachers can be mentored by the same mentor teacher.
Pre-service teachers may also have more than one mentor teacher.
Pre-service teachers develop their teaching competency by collaborating with their mentor teacher on a growth plan and final assessment based on the TQS.
Elementary (EDFX 425) Advanced Field Experience (AFX)
Pre-service teachers will continue to work on achieving the TQS competencies and will work towards independence.
Pre-service teachers are placed in the fall term (beginning of October to mid-December) for 45 days.
Pre-service teachers in the AFX have completed their 25-day IFX and have continued to take curriculum and instruction classes to support their theory and pedagogy.
Pre-service teachers may have more than one mentor teacher.
Pre-service teachers will work up to teaching a minimum 0.8 of teachers’ FTE in their which equates to 1100-1200 minutes per week
Pre-service teachers develop their teaching competency by collaborating with their mentor teacher on a growth plan and final assessment based on the TQS.
Secondary (EDFX 450) Advanced Field Experience (AFX)
Pre-service teachers will continue to work on achieving the TQS competencies and will work towards independence.
Pre-service teachers are placed in the fall term (early October to mid-December) or winter term (early February to early May) for 45 days.
Pre-service teachers in the AFX have completed their 25-day IFX and have continued to take curriculum and instruction classes to support their theory and pedagogy.
Pre-service teachers will work up to teaching a minimum 0.8 of teachers’ FTE which equates to 1100-1200 minutes per week.
Pre-service teachers may have more than one mentor teacher.
Pre-service teachers develop their teaching competency by collaborating with their mentor teacher on a growth plan and final assessment based on the TQS.
In the fall term, placements are made in the majors of sciences, English, social studies, and physical education.
In the winter term, placements are made in the majors of art, sciences, CTS, drama, English, math, music, physical education, second languages, social studies.
Secondary (EDFX 350) Introductory Field Experience (IFX)
This is typically student teachers’ first experience with teaching.
Pre-service teachers are placed in the fall term (early November to mid-December) or winter term (mid March to early May) for 25 days.
Pre-service teachers in IFX have completed an 8-week, on-campus preparatory class which covers topics including professionalism, classroom management, and the expectations required to be successful in their field experience. They have also completed curriculum and instruction classes to support their theory and pedagogy.
Pre-service teachers will work up to teaching a minimum 0.5 of teachers’ FTE which equates to 750-800 minutes per week
Two pre-service teachers can be mentored by the same mentor teacher.
Pre-service teachers may also have more than one mentor teacher.
Pre-service teachers develop their teaching competency by collaborating with their mentor teacher on a growth plan and final assessment based on the TQS.
In the fall term, placements are made in the majors of art, sciences, CTS, drama, English, math, music, physical education, second languages, and social studies.
In the winter term, placement are made in the majors of sciences, English, social studies, and physical education.
Supplementary Specialized Field Experience (EDFX 495) Elementary & Secondary
This field experience offers pre-service teachers an exposure to specialized educational contexts and settings that would be different from typical IFX or AFX placements.
EDFX 495 placements are made in early learning (pre-K) programs, programs for students with moderate to severe special learning needs, or secondary outreach programs. Registered students will indicate their preferences.
Secondary-route students may be placed in elementary settings; likewise, elementary-route students may be placed in secondary settings.
EDFX 495 student teachers complete a 15-day placement in either the fall (September-December), winter (January-April), or spring (May) term. NOTE: IN spring term, students cannot be registered in any other courses. Spring term field experiences may run outside of regular spring term start and end dates.
Students completing this placement in the fall or winter terms are concurrently completing on-campus courses, therefore the pre-service teacher's schedule is developed collaboratively with the mentor teacher.
With mentor teacher support, pre-service teachers develop context specific goals and engage in opportunities for one-on-one, small group, or whole class instruction.
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