Dr. Tahereh Firoozi

Alberta Innovates Postdoctoral Fellow

School of Dentistry, University of Alberta

I currently hold the Alberta Innovates Postdoctoral Fellowship in the School of Dentistry at the University of Alberta. My two-year fellowship is focused on dental analytics and applications of artificial intelligence and large language models to health science research. My fellowship is supervised by Dr. Hollis Lai.

I completed my PhD in the Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science (MEDS) program at the University of Alberta. I defended my dissertation and completed my program in 2023. My research was conducting under the supervision of Dr. Mark Gierl in the Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation (CRAME). I also hold a doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.  

I conduct research on the use of natural language processing techniques and neural network modelling as it applies to educational and health science research.  I have a deep understanding of language in addition to advanced training in text analysis, data mining, and natural language processing methodologies.  I also have extensive experience in the use of advanced methods in data and computing science. My research combines my knowledge in natural language processing and applied linguistics with advanced data science methods to solve practical problems. My University of Alberta dissertation was focused on developing an efficient automated essay scoring system that can be used to grade written-response tasks in the Persian language using deep learning algorithms.  It was titled “Using Automated Procedures to Score Written Essays in Persian: An Application of the Multilingual BERT System”. My dissertation research will be published in 2024 as a chapter in The Routledge International Handbook of Automated Essay Evaluation (Routledge), edited by Drs. Mark Shermis and Joshua Wilson.