- Perform a thorough examination of limbs, joints, back and neck.
- Priority Topics: Joint Disorder, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain
- Assess and manage common sports and exercise related injuries.
- Priority Topics: Joint Disorder
- Assess and manage acute and chronic repetitive stress injury (including occupational).
- Priority Topics: Joint Disorder, Low Back Pain
- Determine risk of fracture or injury to tendon, ligament, muscle, nerve, vessel etc. based on pattern of injury and results of physical examination.
- Priority Topics: Neck Pain
- Order appropriate investigations where risk of fracture exists.
- Priority Topics: Neck Pain
- Demonstrate immobilizing techniques such as splints, basic casts and taping.
- Evaluate vessel and nerve injuries that can be associated with fractures and dislocations.
- Triage, and where necessary refer, more complex or unstable fractures for surgical consultation.
- Recognize and initiate management of orthopedic emergencies, arranging referral when appropriate.
- Assess and manage rheumatological disease including: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and osteoporosis.
- Priority Topics: Join Disorder, Osteoporosis
- Outline common drug therapies, and the use of non-pharmacological treatment modalities such as exercise prescriptions.
- Priority Topics: Joint Disorder, Bow Back Pain, Neck Pain, Osteoporosis
- Demonstrate appropriate medical consultation and shared responsibility of family doctor and consultant to the patient.
- Recognize and initiate management for infectious musculoskeletal conditions.
- Priority Topics: Joint Disorder
- Assess basic orthopedic illnesses in children including gait abnormalities and the limping child.
- Priority Topics: Joint Disorder
- Examine for congenital hip disease.
- Perform joint aspiration and joint injection of selected joints as outlined in Procedural Skills.
- Participate in the multidisciplinary approach to chronic musculoskeletal disease.
- Support the special needs of the athlete.
- Support the orthopedic needs of the handicapped patient, e.g. those with contractures or severe muscle imbalance.
- Provide up-to-date information on rehabilitation and recovery expectations.
- Priority Topics: Low Back Pain
- Outline what community rehabilitation services are available, e.g. physiotherapy, massage therapy, exercise classes and groups, and independent rehabilitation programs as well as those available through Alberta Health.
- Explain the use, risks, and benefits of allied health professions such as chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy and occupational therapy to enhance MSK care.
- Assess and manage patients at risk for falls from a musculoskeletal perspective.
- Priority Topics: Elderly, Trauma
- Recognize musculoskeletal -elated medication side effects e.g. extrapyramidal symptoms of antipsychotics as well as side effects of medications used to treat musculoskeletal conditions.
- Assess and manage common neuromuscular disorders: including Parkinson’s disease, essential tremors and epilepsy.
- Priority Topics: Parkinsonism, Seizures