The Mathematics of COVID-19

A Special Issue of
Mathematics in Science and Industry

The Modelling of SARS-Cov-2

and the epidemiology of COVID-19 has led to interesting and non-trivial mathematical challenges. The journal MSI (Mathematics in Science and Industry) is a natural venue to collect and discuss these exciting new mathematical developments. MSI will provide a diverse and stimulating collection of articles on this topic within a single issue for maximum impact. We invite contributions of original research papers on the mathematics of COVID-19 for this special issue.

Deadline: March 31, 2021


Mathematics in Science and Industry is the official journal of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematical Society (CAIMS/SCMAI). Submissions in LaTeX are accepted via e-mail to one of the chief editors: Thomas Hillen ( and Ray Spiteri (

MSI is a free open-access journal with no publication fees in the first five years. More detailed information on the journal is here:

The special issue is hosted by

for questions please contact any of us.