Corrosion and Electrochemistry in Advanced Energy Systems (CEAES)

Centre overview

Electrochemistry, and the science and technology of its applications, is like an antique, old but fascinating. The history of electrochemistry is filled with major advances in fundamental understanding and technology development that helped define modern civilization and human life. For example, corrosion control, electrocatalysis, fuel cells, and aqueous processing of metal ores all root from electrochemistry. In the past 12 years, our research interests are interdisciplinary studies of electrochemistry, corrosion, metallurgy, and nanomaterials as catalysts, as shown in Dr.Liu's previous project and publication records. Nowadays, environmental sustainability demands a reduction in carbon emission and pollution in energy production, much of which can be achieved by investigating corrosion and electrochemistry in advanced energy systems (CEAES).

About Dr. Jing Liu

Dr. Jing Liu received her Ph.D. in 2015 from UBC. After that, she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at UBC for three years and worked as a metallurgist in Kemetco Research Inc for one year. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the U of A. 

Her research interests include corrosion and materials degradation, electrochemistry, high entropy alloys (HEAs), and materials characterization.