
Recognizing a need for innovative research for Canada’s rail transportation sector, the Railroad Research Advisory Board (RRAB), Transport Canada, and Canada’s railway sector invited Canadian universities in May 2010 to submit an Expression of Interest and Capabilities to establish a Canadian Rail Research Laboratory that would also be affiliated with the American Association of Railways (AAR)/Transportation Technology Centre Inc. (TTCI)’s Technology Scanning Program. The Invitation for Expressions of Interest noted:

The RRAB recognizes the importance of establishing a Canadian Rail Research Laboratory to perform technology scanning to identify emerging technologies for the improvement of safety, reliability, sustainability and economic feasibility of rail transportation. This initiative will also benefit the Canadian rail sector through the education of next generation science and engineering students for careers in rail. The program will also serve to facilitate closer collaboration among researchers, industry and government. The affiliation with the AAR/TTCI technology scanning program will draw upon the expertise, experience and funding from the US rail sector. The work to be performed at the Canadian Rail Research Laboratory will complement the activities of the three US affiliated laboratories and support key Canadian priority areas.

Following a competitive and transparent selection process, in September 2010, the RRAB selected the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta to establish the Canadian Rail Research Laboratory (CaRRL). CaRRL builds on the Department's long-term collaborative research relationships with the Canadian railway industry.

Our Industry Partner Organizations:

Association of American Railroads

Canadian National

Canadian Pacific

Railway Association of Canada

Our Academic Partner Organizations:

Transportation Technology Center Inc.

University of Alberta

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Our Government Partner Organizations:

National Research Council Canada

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Transport Canada