Memory Board

We hope you can make this event, however if you cannot feel free to email us a note or comment about some of your memories in the Department.

bcexec @

From Dr Luis Schang MV, PhD, Professor

Baker Institute for Animal Health

Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Cornell University Collage of Veterinary Medicine 

Unfortunately, I cannot join in person for the celebration of the 100 years of the Department of Biochemistry of the University of Alberta, as much as I would have loved to be able to do so. The Department of Biochemistry has a special place in my heart and my life. It launched and fostered my career, and there I got know, and interact and collaborate with, many wonderful colleagues. I remember you all with fondness and appreciation.


In it’s now hundred years of history, the Department has made seminal contributions to biochemistry, structural biology, signal transduction, immunology, lipid biology, virology, epigenetics, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, prion diseases, and so many other areas of great importance for Canada and the World. It has positioned itself to continue making major contributions for years to come. Moreover, its alumni are having great success in Canada and around the world and continue, and will continue, to expand the impact of the Department for years to come.


I also had the great fortune of meeting the many wonderful people at the Department, including faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and other trainees, to whom I am always thankful and appreciative. Without claiming that the work is ever finished, the Department has built an environment where all are respected and appreciated and all can contribute, distinguishing itself also in that respect.


In closing, I want to congratulate to the Department of Biochemistry and all its members, past and present, for a job well done. I am looking forward to what the future of the Department will bring. Congratulations!