UAH Table Tennis

The UAH Table Tennis Club is a student-led sport club at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. We play table tennis recreationally, within the club, and competitively, as part of the Dixie Division of the National Collegiate Table Tennis Association.

Club meetings are held from on Fridays from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the UAH University Fitness Center. Our meetings consist of ranked match play, single and double elimination tournaments, round robin play, and fun table tennis mini games!

We welcome players of all skill levels! You can bring your own paddle, if you have one, or borrow one of ours! Hope to see you soon!

Check out our club instagram page!

Sign up and be notified first about our club tournaments by joining our community on!

Join our GroupMe for information about all things UAH Table Tennis!

For questions, comments, or suggestions, contact Ava Kaler ( or any of the other executives

Contact the club at our club email address,