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Welcome to the Resilient Civil Infrastructure Systems (RCIS) lab at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. At RCIS, we aim to develop methods to reduce the magnitude and duration of disruptions caused by natural hazards to civil infrastructure systems and communities.
Our current research focus includes (1) natural hazards modeling (hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, flooding, ice storms, tsunamis, etc.), (2) infrastructure resilience (electric power systems, transportation systems, water and wastewater systems, gas networks, etc.), and (3) community resilience. Due to its broad nature, proper understanding and management of risk to civil infrastructure and communities can only be made through interdisciplinary research. At the RCIS lab, we work closely with researchers in Transportation Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Economics, and Social Science on various projects centered on infrastructure risk assessment and management.
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"Probability is the most important concept in modern science, especially as nobody has the slightest notion of what it means." - Bertrand Russell, 1929