Artist Statement

Forgetting, Remembering, Memorializing

Cecil Eady

My memory is pretty bad. It tends to erase, blur, and confuse my memories. I find it hard to remember things, and to hold on to them.

Because of this, I look to memory in my work, investigating its odd nature in which some pieces will endure, and others will be everchanging and muddled.

I often use personal experiences to explore this nature. The experiences used may range from mundane shopping trips to fantastical dreams. Every experience can be used to see how memories construct themselves, especially when a work is made around a specific memory. Turning the specific event or events into works allows for insight into what parts are kept and what parts are thrown out in the preservation of a memory.

The mediums used to do this are varied, almost as much as the experiences themselves. I often find myself using fabric. The material’s long history of being a vehicle of comfort and wear can be felt when I work with the fabric, pairing well with memory’s traits, and further giving a sense of the dual something to hold onto, while slowly deteriorating at the same time. Cherished clothes and blankets slowly wear out, leaving the choice to be made to throw them out or attempt to repair them.

My memories seem to similarly deteriorate as the fabrics do, so I commit them to my works, hoping to hold onto them and to find some meaning between the confusing, slip out of my grasp aspects of memory.

Cecil Eady