WCUUSD Covid-19 Information

Dear Families, Students, and Staff Members,

Please click here to access a booklet we have prepared, based on the most recent State guidance, to address the many “What if” questions so many of us are struggling with.

What if my student wakes up with Covid-like symptoms? What if a teacher or staff member tests positive for Covid? What if my child begins to feel sick at school? What if we have to travel out of state?

The goal of this booklet is to answer those questions and direct you to the latest information from the Vermont Department of Health and the Agency of Education.

As we all know by now, things can change overnight. For the present, however, this booklet reflects the latest guidance from the state. Be assured, should that guidance be changed or updated, this booklet will be updated as well. If you have questions that are not answered here, please continue to contact our Covid Coordinator Elizabeth Wirth at ewirth@u32.org

Thank you,

Bryan Olkowski

WCUUSD - Superintendent of Schools

WCUUSD Action Guide new photos-print.pdf