Grades 5-6

Each week a new art assignment will be

  • posted on this page,
  • posted on your child's Seesaw account.
  • and it can be sent to you in the mail if requested.

When your student's art work is completed, please

  • email an image of the work to me, or
  • post it on the Seesaw response area.

I will be providing feedback for your student students can receive feedback on their work.

To set up a Seesaw account, Contact Mrs. Young

Assignment #1

Happy Earth Day


This week, we will be using natural materials to create art. Choose 1 of the assignments from the menu. Please feel free to do as many as you would like.

The following assignments will require that you gather up grasses, rocks, sticks, leaves, and other natural things from around your home. Please check with a grownup before you start to make sure you are gathering something that can be used for these art activities.

Nature Designer

Collect rocks, grasses, sticks and rocks and create a picture or a design using only the natural things you find in your yard. Take a photo of your design if you can or draw a picture of your design.

Ancient way to PAINT and DRAW

Find a stick and some grasses and build your own paintbrush. Try it out by painting on paper - using mud! Show your brush and mud painting to someone.


Do you have Sidewalk Chalk? ASK permission and then use your chalk to draw a picture on the sidewalk or driveway that makes you happy.

Nature Mandala

Create a mandala using only that you can find from nature. Draw a picture of it.


Gather up lots of small sticks and strong stems. Look for a bush or sturdy plant growing close to the ground. Use your sticks to make a mini tree house or tree fort in the branches of the bush.

You will have to solve the problem of how to keep the sticks together. You can use string or yarn to help. If you don’t have bush you can build a fort on the ground. Draw a picture of your tree house sculpture.

Art Assignment #2

Room Design

Some South and West African women create patterns and symbols on the outsides of their homes for good luck, to show family identity, or to make visitors feel welcome. Create a design you could put on the outside of your bedroom door and explain its purpose.

  1. Select the medium of your choice to create your design.
  2. Draw the door to give you a starting point for your drawing.

3. Explain its purpose of the design.

If you have a Seesaw account

1.Click the add response

2. Choose from the tools provided to share an image of what you created. Add a comment and explain your design.

Other Share Options

1.Take a photo of your drawing and email it to Mrs. Spencer

Art Assignment #3

Comics Complete!!

You will finish the comics we were working on before we left school. Your comic stories are based on the cartoon covers you created in art class.

Step 1. Remember Your Character. If you can’t remember, NO WORRIES! You can always email me and I can help you remember. You can always make up a new character.

Step 2. Complete a 1 Page Comic. Use your character or new character in your story.

Materials you will need for this lesson

Paper - - any kind will do, copy paper, notebook paper or a sheet of recycled paper. Drawing tools of your choice. Pencils, Makers, Pens.

Remember the Vocabulary

Panel - the rectangle or square that surrounds individual drawings.

Gutter - The spaces between the panels.

Speech Bubbles- The words of the characters are written in this shape. Remember to write the words first, then draw the shape around them.

Sound effect words can help make the cartoon more exciting or funny.

Bang! Screech! BOING!!! Squeak! Roar!!

Step 3.

Share your comic with someone when you have finished.

You might want to continue to make comics or cartoons during the time you are at home. It is a great way to journal what you are doing now.

Please post your finished comic on your Seesaw account or email a picture of your finished cartoon to Mrs. Spencer. My email is

Extra Art Activity 8-Page Zine

8 page zine

Art Assignments May 21-May 27

Silly Drawing Prompts

Copy Silly Drawing Prompts 5/21 grades 3-6